Help Agent Release Notes

Release Notes for the Server Monitoring Agent

Get to know major and minor fixes done during every agent release and keep your server monitoring agents upgraded for the best performance.

Ensure you have the right agent downloaded and installed in your server(s) based on the OS platform.




Version: 20.3.1
Date of Release: 18 July 2022

Bug Fix:

  • The issue with the addition of plugin in the agent version 20.3.0 has been fixed.


Version: 20.3.0
Date of Release:
6 July 2022


Bug Fixes:

  • Issue when the process with the regex argument going down has been fixed.
  • Issue when both the service and the corresponding process are added simultaneously leading to a service/process down has been fixed.
  • The service lock issue during monitored service upgradation has been fixed.
  • The issue with the File Check feature for the file under system32 has been fixed.
  • The issue with the Directory Check feature for the directory under system32 has been fixed.
  • The issue with the IT Automation server reboot while using argument has been fixed.
  • The issue when the process with high utilization but without argument or path not getting listed in the Top Process list has been fixed.


Version: 20.2.0
Date of Release: 18 March 2022


  • WebSocket mode of communication has been added for the DMS service.
  • Bundled the TLS 1.2 communication module for the servers that are without them.
  • Enable/disable option provided for IT Automation, Plugins, and Management Actions in the bulk installation window.
  • Installation Directory is now supported in the bulk installation window.
  • Option to execute Python along with the server monitoring agent in a server without Python.

Bug Fixes:

  • Proxy support issue for URL resource check has been fixed.
  • Hyper-V host system IP issue has been fixed.
  • The incorrect network performance metric issue has been fixed.
  • The incorrect CPU percentage value for the Hyper-V host has been fixed.


Version: 20.1.8
Date of Release: 7 March 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue while installing AppLogs through Windows Azure Extension has been fixed.
  • IT Automation getting disabled when the agent is installed through Azure Extension has been fixed.


Version: 20.1.5
Date of Release: 10 November 2021

Bug Fix:

  • The issue faced while upgrading from the agent version 19.9.5 has been fixed.


Version: 20.1.2
Date of Release: 2 November 2021

Bug Fixes:

  • Agent upgrade issue while using Site24x7 Windows Communication module (lower TLS version) has been fixed.
  • Process Monitoring issue with regex has been fixed.


Version: 20.1.1
Date of Release: 30 October 2021

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed the issue with enable/disable IT Automation that is faced with the Agent version 20.1.0, during the upgrade


Version: 20.1.0
Date of Release: 29 September 2021


  • Option via command line to enable/disable processes and services management actions, application discovery, and resource checks.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed DMS domain removal issue in tray icon.
  • Receiving of DMS issue fixed.
  • Discovery issue for Failover Cluster and Hyper-V discovery fixed.


Version: 20.0.3
Date of Release: 25 August 2021

Bug Fixes: 

  • Unexpected stopping of agent during agent threshold check has been fixed.
  • Issue fixed for Reboot IT Automation.


Version: 20.0.2
Date of Release: 17 August 2021

Bug Fixes:

  • Device key encryption issue has been fixed.
  • Agent communication failure with communication module has been fixed.
  • Agent bulk installation issue has been fixed.


Version: 20.0.1
Date of Release: 06 August 2021

Bug Fixes:

  • Failed to execute IT Automation issue has been fixed.
  • Garbage values in IT Automation script output has been fixed.


Version: 20.0.0
Date of Release: 28 July 2021

Security Enhancements:

  • IT Automation modules separated from the Site24x7 Server Monitoring agent code.
  • Enable\disable option provided for IT Automation and plugins while installing the agent.
  • IT Automation validation added.
  • 32 bit and 64 bit cmd prompt supported for IT Automation.
  • Device key encrypted and stored in registry.
  • Command line tool to reinstall the agent.
  • Digital signature verification for all in-built scripts of our agent.
  • Logs details folder access restricted to admin.
  • Application data collection thread monitoring added to watchdog service.

Bug Fixes:

  • Service lock issue on service monitoring fixed.
  • Event log content check issue fixed.
  • Server monitor incorrect uptime value issue fixed.
  • Plugin with attribute value null supported.
  • Removed 'remcom' from bulk installation.


Version: 19.9.5
Month of Release: April 2021


  • Checksum verification for Applogs installation added.

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue getting VMware VM category fixed.
  • Plus Failover domains that are currently not in use have been removed.
  • Corrected the number of CPU cores value.
  • Corrected agent upgrade uninstallation check error message.


Version: 19.9.0
Month of Release: March 2021


  • cfg file support for executing multiple configurations on a single plugin.

Bug Fixes:

  • Service restart instant notification issue has been fixed.
  • Issue fixed on getting python path just after server reboot for python plugin.
  • Pending Windows updates discovery issue has been fixed.


Version: 19.8.1
Month of Release: March 2021

Bug Fix:

  • Command line installation issue has been fixed. 


Version: 19.8.0
Month of Release: February 2021


  • Checksum validation implemented for upgrade binaries.
  • Checksum validation implemented for IT automation scripts.

Bug Fixes:

  • VMware cloud platform identification issue has been fixed. 
  • Issue on getting pending updates list for Windows updates monitor has been fixed.


Version: 19.7.8
Month of Release:
November 2020

Whats New:

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue fixed for server inventory data.
  • Operational issue fixes.


Version: 19.7.5
Month of Release: September 2020


  • Tags supported in command line installation. 
  • NIC count, disk partition count, boot time, and DNS IP added in server inventory.
  • New metrics like open port count, disk partition io added for monitoring.

Bug Fixes:

  • WMI CPU usage optimization.
  • Windows upgrade error handling.
  • Data collection thread initialization issue is fixed.
  • Few missing performance data for IIS and SQL databases have been fixed.
  • Configuration issue in discovering IIS has been fixed.


Version: 19.7.2
Month of Release: June 2020

Bug Fix:

  • Data issue reported for Microsoft Exchange versions 2010 and 2007 in agent versions 19.7.0 and 19.7.1 have been fixed.


Version: 19.7.1
Month of Release:
June 2020

Bug Fix:

  • Issue in data collection for applications (that occurred in agent version 19.7.0) has been fixed.


Version: 19.7.0
Month of Release: June 2020


  • Users can select the SQL databases that need to be added for monitoring.
  • Resource ID added for Azure resources.
  • Status attribute supported in plugins.

Bug Fixes:

  • Path and arguments added for top processes
  • Data collection issue for event logs due to Day Ligh Saving has been fixed 


Version: 19.5.0
Month of Release: December 2019


  • RegEx support for process arguments.

Bug Fixes: 

  • Windows backup data collection issue fix for Windows server 2016.
  • Status of service rechecked before sending Down to Site24x7.


Version: 19.4.6
Month of Release: November 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Configuration rule parameter added in command line installation.


Version: 19.4.4
Month of Release: October 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue on reporting service as Down has been fixed.

Version: 19.4.3
Month of Release: October 2019

Bug Fix:

  • Issue fixed on agent upgrade.

Version: 19.4.2
Month of Release: October 2019


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed network data collection issue in Windows 2003 servers.
  • Down status issue fixed for process monitoring.
  • Removed the new line character present in the plugin configuration data in Windows 2008 R2 and older versions.

Version: 19.4.0
Month of Release: August 2019


  • The agent will take the Python path from the system environmental variables while writing custom plugins in Python.
  • Support for Australian (.au) data center.

Bug Fixes:

  • The size of root cause analysis email has been reduced to under 1 MB.
  • Fixed delay in data collection after network connection is down.

Version: 19.3.8
Month of Release: July 2019


  • When other Windows versions (except 2003 and 2008) do not have TLS 1.2 as the default protocol for WinHTTP communication, the communication module used for communicating TLS 1.2 in Windows 2003 and 2008 will be applicable.

Bug Fixes:

  • Missing CPU values when the server's CPU usage is high has been fixed.
  • Bulk installation issue fixes in Windows 10 and Windows 2016.
  • Issue on updating the device key has been fixed.
  • Issues related to URL check when the agent is using the communication module has been fixed.  


Version: 19.3.5
Month of Release:
April 2019

Whats New:

  • A detailed server inventory report to view servers and applications based on hostname, domain name, IP address, time zone, OS version among many others.


  • Included details on server reboot in Root Cause Analysis (RCA) report.
  • Service discovery time has been improved.

Bug Fixes:

  • Junk values sent in DC has been fixed.
  • Issue with the monitor status being marked as DOWN when the folder containing the file is deleted has been fixed.
  • Issue with data collection for Exchange monitoring has been fixed.


Version: 19.3.1
Month of Release:
March 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue with discovery of Hyper-V application has been fixed.
  • Issue with plugins data collection, after the plugin poll frequency update has been fixed.


Version: 19.3.0
Month of Release:
February 2019

Whats New:

Bug Fix:

  • Issue fixed for IIS App pool recycle


Version: 19.2.0
Month of Release:
February 2019


  • WMI queries are used along with APIs for network interface discovery.
  • Discovery has been optimized for 50+ SQL instances in a single machine.
  • All the agent executables in MSI are now digitally signed.

Bug Fixes:

  • dms.zoho.* will contact the Site24x7 data center based on the region. For example, for the EU data center.
  • The issue on service restart using IT Automation, if a child service is associated with it, has been fixed.


Version: 19.1.0
Month of Release: January 2019


  • Data stored, when the server is offline, has been increased from six hours to 3 days. 
  • Heartbeat connection timeout value has been reduced from 30 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • The current time of the server is taken into account during data collection and heartbeat to avoid any time differences
  • Removed the restriction of plugin count from the agent. There is no maximum limit for adding plugin monitors per agent.


Version: 19.0.5
Month of Release: November 2018

Bug Fixes:

  • Passwords will no longer be printed in the logs during bulk installation.
  • After agent upgrade, the Site24x7 APP Monitoring Agent will be removed if the user has no Windows applications being monitored.  


Version: 19.0.1
Month of Release: November 2018


  • The Windows agent will use native communication APIs available in the server for communication, if TLS 1.2 communication module fails to get installed.  


Version: 19.0.0
Month of Release: October 2018

Whats New:

  • The Windows agent will now have a communication module TLS 1.2 to communicate with Windows versions that do not support TLS 1.2 by default (for example, Windows versions 2003, 2008, and 2008 R2). 


Version: 18.6.1
Month of Release: September 2018 


  • Optimized the heartbeat frequency to communicate on the server status to the Site24x7 data center only once in 45 seconds.


Version: 18.6.0
Month of Release:
September 2018


Bug Fix:


Version: 18.5.7
Month of Release:
May 2018


  • Security enhancements.
  • Watcher service enhancements.

Version: 18.5.6
Month of Release:
April 2018

Bug Fix:


Version: 18.5.5
Month of Release:
March 2018

Whats New:



Version: 18.5.1
Month of Release:
March 2018

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed automatic restart false alerts.


Version: 18.5.0
Month of Release:
February 2018

Whats New:



Version: 18.4.2
Month of Release: November 2017

Whats New:


Version: 18.4.1
Month of Release: November 2017

Bug Fix:


Version: 18.4.0
Month of Release: November 2017

Whats New:

Bug Fixes:

  • Capture the UUID of a server while registering it, to avoid two or more agents pointing to the same server monitor when cloned.
  • Appended the Cluster name with its domain to solve cluster duplication issue.
  • Process monitor user details will be shown.
  • In File Permissions Resource Check, we now capture the file/folder's security permissions as well.

Version: 18.3.0
Month of Release: July 2017

Whats New:

  • Bulk installation now facilitated right after installing the Windows agent. Learn more.
  • Reload a specific plugin from the Site24x7 web client.


  • File monitoring - To detect newly added/deleted files, with a search criteria like ".log$". 
Bug Fixes:
  • Support use of a special character (in case of small business servers) in the Windows OS name.
  • Workaround for Error 1053, while trying to start the Windows agent service.
  • Fixed the issue of cloning the agent via AMI.
  • The issue in storing data collected for SQL, when there is an "AD" substring in the instance name has been fixed.


Version: 18.2.0
Month of Release: March 2017

Whats New:

Bug Fixes:
  • Login count fixed.
  • The miscalculation done for timestamp while registering the agent has been corrected.
  • The agent will alert the user with a notification and mark a content check as down if the file has been moved or renamed.
  • Fixed the incorrect service status shown in the Tray icon.


Version: 18.1.5
Month of Release: March 2017

Whats New:

  • The Site24x7 App Monitoring Agent service will stop if there is no network communication for 6 hours.
  • Only when MonitoringEnabled is true, the agent will be restarted by the Agent Helper service.
  • Agent Helper service will start the agent when the agent is stopped.
  • Verify agent key for all the WMS actions.
Bug Fixes:


Version: 18.1.0
Month of Release: January 2017

Whats New:

  • Uptime monitoring
  • Option to update (increase) the interval of status updates in case of heavy load.
  • The status of Check Connectivity in the Tray icon (if proxy configured) has been fixed.
  • Excluded Tray icon for server core OS.
  • Provided Admin action to update device key and agent unique key.
  • WMI - COM initialization retried.


Version: 18.6.0
Date of Release:
10 August 2022


  • The option to capture Kubernetes Pods performance metrics has been provided.
  • AWS EC2 machine tag has been added to the Server monitoring tags.
  • The option for uninstallation support has been provided for remote installation using SSH.
  • Display Name option has been provided for remote installation using SSH.

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue with the OSX agent data collection has been fixed.
  • The issue with the FreeBSD agent data collection has been fixed.
  • The issue with the Zookeeper Monitor showing down has been fixed.
  • The issue with the Applog process not getting killed after agent uninstallation has been fixed.
  • The issue with the Sudo Password Prompt appearing while non-root agent uninstallation has been fixed.


Version: 18.5.0
Date of Release: 13 April 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue with the non-root agent upgrade has been fixed.
  • The issue with application discovery has been fixed.
  • The issue with automation installation parameter getting appended with device key parameter has been fixed.


Version: 18.4.0
Date of Release:
1 April 2022

Whats New:

  • Prometheus Integration with the Site24x7 Server Monitoring agent.
  • The option to execute the plugin script using Python, integrated with the agent has been provided.
  • Introduced Agent Manager script for the ease of configuration.
  • The option to exclude the buffer and cache component from the memory utilization calculation has been provided.

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue in the IT Automation server reboot action has been fixed.
  • The issue with the plugins data not getting updated when the internet connection is down has been fixed. The data will be uploaded as soon as the network becomes stable.
  • The issue in the Resource Check Port Monitoring has been fixed.
  • The issue in the Resource Check URL Monitoring has been fixed.
  • The issue with plugins producing non-JSON output has been fixed.
  • The issue with StatsD data capture when more than one metric is sent in a single payload has been fixed.
  • The issue with the locate command, which has been causing high CPU utilization, has been fixed.
  • The issue while syncing plugins configuration settings has been fixed.
  • The issue with the Kubernetes monitoring not getting added when the https_proxy is configured has been fixed.


Version: 18.3.0
Date of Release:
18 February 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • Issues related to StatsD monitor addition are fixed.
  • Discover Applications issue has been fixed.


Version: 18.2.0
Date of Release:
9 November 2021

Bug Fixes:

  • IP address update required an agent-service restart earlier. This issue has been fixed.
  • OSX and FreeBSD agent installation issues.
  • Data push interval retry changes for failed data.
  • WatchDog not starting the agent on failure.
  • Data collection issues with Kubernetes node CPU unit.


Version: 18.1.0
Month of Release:
28 July 2021

Whats New:

  • WebSocket mode of communication added for DMS service.
  • Installer param 'rule' added for remote installation script.

Security Enhancements:

  • IT Automation and Plugin modules separated from the Site24x7 Server Monitoring agent code.
  • Enable\disable option provided for IT Automation and plugins while installing the agent.
  • Device key encrypted and stored in configuration file.
  • Agent folder permission changed to 700.
  • IT Automation validation added.
  • Reinstall option provided in installation script.
  • Permission of remote installation of servers configuration, stored in config file "servers.txt", changed to 700.

Bug Fixes:

  • Process discovery delay issue fixed for docker agent.
  • OS name and architecture captured as NULL fixed in docker agent.
  • VMWare cloud platform identifier issue has been fixed.
  • AWS Instance ID retrieval for V2 metadata API added.


Version: 18.0.0
Month of Release: March 2021

Whats New:

Bug Fixes:

  • Docker configuration update issue has been fixed.
  • Plugins file permission change issue has been fixed.


Version: 17.9.0
Month of Release: February 2021

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue of disk not getting added after deletion has been fixed.
  • GCP instance ID retrieval issue fixed.
  • Checksum validation implemented for upgrade binaries.
  • Checksum validation implemented for IT Automation scripts.


Version: 17.8.0
Month of Release: December 2020

Whats New:

  • Support for Flatcar OS
  • Agent and Watchdog lock file permissions changed from 777 to 755.

Bug Fixes:

  • Disk utilization issue has been fixed.
  • Content check issue has been fixed. 
  • Proxy not getting updated issue has been fixed.
  • Issue of ZooKeeper giving a Down alert once added has been fixed.
  • AIX swap memory utilization issue has been fixed.


Version: 17.7.1
Month of Release: September 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Non-root agent installation issue has been fixed.
  • Issues in logs have been fixed.


Version: 17.7.0
Month of Release:
 September 2020

Whats New:


  • CPU utilization of top processes normalized based on cores.
  • Uninstall option added in /etc/init.d/site24x7monagent

Bug Fixes: 

  • Agent installation issue fixed for OSX and FreeBSD agents.
  • Agent uninstall command error fixed.


Version: 17.6.0
Month of Release:
August 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Device key migration issue from other data centers to the U.S. data center has been fixed.
  • Maximum occurrence of content check issue has been fixed.


Version: 17.5.9
Month of Release: July 2020


  • Support for SystemD service manager.

Bug Fixes:

  • Kubernetes discovery issue fixed.
  • No data for container memory has been fixed.
  • Plugin monitoring issue fixes.
  • Issue fixed in file not modified resource check.
  • Instance ID change will be captured during AWS auto scaling and agent will register as a new monitor.


Version: 17.5.8
Month of Release: June 2020

Whats New:

  • Kubernetes Monitoring [Beta]


Version: 17.5.7
Month of Release: May 2020


  • Docker containers will now be considered as separate monitors in the Site24x7 web client, with a change in licensing
  • Management actions and the total number of running, stopped, and paused containers will now be available in the web client.
  • Resource ID has been added for Azure resources.
  • Paramiko module has been removed.


Version: 17.5.6
Month of Release: January 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue on docker discovery has been fixed. 
  • Issue on enabling/disabling of syslog monitoring has been fixed. 


Version: 17.5.5
Month of Release: January 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Discovery of random processes (only ten) has been fixed in the FreeBSD agent.
  • Disk read/write always showing null value has been fixed in the FreeBSD agent.
  • Incorrect memory utilization for the FreeBSD agent has been fixed.


Version: 17.5.4
Month of Release: December 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue on the 32 bit agent installation has been fixed.
  • Plugin inventory issues have been fixed.
  • Agent downloads, irrespective of the data center, was done only from the US data center. This has been fixed with downloads happening from the respective data centers (China, Australia, India). 

Version: 17.5.3
Month of Release: December 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • pycrypto python module installation errors fixed in FreeBSD distribution v12+.
  • chown applied to site24x7-agent user when installed as root in FreeBSD distribution v12+.
  • CPU utilization calculation corrected in FreeBSD distribution v12+.


Version: 17.5.2
Month of Release: November 2019


  • Configuration rule parameter added in command line installation. 
  • The logic for container CPU utilization is now based on number of CPU cores.

Version: 17.5.1
Month of Release: November 2019



Version: 17.5.0
Month of Release: October 2019

Whats New:

Bug Fixes:

  • The logic of capturing the metric CPU utilization by core has been fixed.
  • Issue on monitoring ports when the port is bound to a secondary interface has been fixed.
  • Issue on showing the server IP address with loop back address has been fixed.

Version: 17.4.6
Month of Release: August 2019

Whats New:

  • Support for Australian (.au) data center.

Version: 17.4.5
Month of Release:
July 2019

Whats New:


Version: 17.4.4
Month of Release: June 2019

Whats New:

  • AppLogs supported for open-source agent.

Version: 17.4.3
Month of Release: June 2019

Whats New:


Bug Fixes:


Version: 17.4.2
Month of Release:
February 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • dms.zoho.* will contact the Site24x7 data center based on the region. For example, for the EU data center.
  • Issue fixed for instance ID retrieval for Google cloud platform.


Version: 17.4.1
Month of Release:
February 2019

Whats New:

  • A detailed server inventory report to view servers and applications based on hostname, domain name, IP address, time zone, OS version among many others.


  • Python packages bundled with the open source Linux agent.

Bug Fix:

  • Incorrect plugin version during timeout has been rectified.


Version: 17.4.0
Month of Release:
January 2019


  • AArch processor support.
  • Processes monitored by the agent will now use the PID instead of the process name.


Version: 17.3.9
Month of Release:
December 2018

Bug Fixes:


Version: 17.3.8
Month of Release:
November 2018

Bug Fix:


Version: 17.3.7
Month of Release:
November 2018

Bug Fixes:

  • Handling of device key migration.
  • Issue with proxy configuration has been fixed.


Version: 17.3.5
Month of Release:
July 2018


Bug Fixes:


Version: 17.3.4
Month of Release:
July 2018

Bug Fix:

  • The monitoring agent not sending docker performance data has been fixed.


Version: 17.3.3
Month of Release:
July 2018


  • OpenSSL version upgraded to 1.0.1k version for 32-bit agents.

Version: 17.3.2
Month of Release: 
June 2018


  • OpenSSL version upgraded  to 1.0.1k version for 64-bit agents.

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue fix for Plugin connection timeout.
  • Issue fix for open source agent installation failure.
  • Incorrect data issue fixed for disk I/O and network interface bandwidth.

Version: 17.3.1
Month of Release: 
May 2018



Version: 17.3.0
Month of Release: May 2018



Version: 17.2.1
Month of Release: April 2018

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue fix in Top Process monitoring and Process Discovery.
  • Steal Time will set to zero when resulted in negative value.
  • Agent Key will be updated on new monitor creation via cloning.


Version: 17.2.0
Month of Release: March 2018

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue fix in Shell script for ARM architecture detection.
  • Docker image name truncation to less than 100 characters and RepoTags handling issue fix.


Version: 17.1.0
Month of Release: March 2018

Whats New:

Bug Fix:

  • Handling of top command data for kernel version 4.9 


Version: 17.0.0
Month of Release: February 2018

Whats New:


  • Process discovery supported with psutil command.
  • Steal time excluded when calculating CPU utilization.

Version: 16.7.6
Month of Release:
January 2018

Whats New: 


Version: 16.7.5
Month of Release: January 2018

Whats New: 

  • The Linux agent can now be installed by a non root user. The user can also opt to run the installed agent in the System Startup, and not as a service. 
  • The Linux agent can now run as a site24x7-agent user instead of a root user.


  • OpenSSL upgraded to version 1.0.1e

Bug Fix:

  • Events data collection issue fix for Docker containers.


Version: 16.7.0
Month of Release: November 2017

Whats New:

  • One minute polling interval for data collection.

Version: 16.6.1 
Month of Release: November 2017

Bug Fix:

  • Memory utilization issue fix for Amazon and Azure instances.

Version: 16.6.0
Month of Release: July 2017

Whats New:

Bug Fixes:

  • Process monitor user details will be shown.
  • Capture the UUID of a server while registering it, to avoid two or more agents pointing to the same server monitor when cloned.

Version: 16.5.0
Month of Release: May 2017

Whats New:

  • Bash script support for plugins.
  • Core OS support for Linux agent.

Bug Fixes:

  • Plugin inventory enhancements.
  • Sudo removal changes in agent installation script.
  • The issue of process status not being changed when the processes configured are actually down has now been fixed.
  • The issue of the plugin monitor status not changed to Down when the plugin version is incremented, is now rectified.


Version: 16.4.0
Month of Release: May 2017

Bug Fixes:

  • The CPU usage value for a particular process is now calculated on a single core basis. Know how.
  • The issue of not being alerted for the 'Number of Occurences' option in a Syslog check has now been fixed.
  • A plugin, even if deleted, will now be rediscovered and marked up for monitoring.
  • The issue of false alerts when the Watchdog agent restarts has been fixed.
  • Data collection script optimization for fetching number of logged in user sessions.


Version: 16.3.0
Month of Release: April 2017

Whats New:

  • Agent key validation in WMS requests.
  • Nagios plugin supports text data format.
  • Plugin error file enhancement.
  • Configuration template param added in command line installation.
  • Plugin Inventory details captured.


Version: 16.2.0
Month of Release: February 2017

Whats New:

  • Uptime monitoring
  • Instance ID retrieval for cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud.
  • Network interface bonding detection.
  • Log optimization for collector module.
  • DMS message failure retrieved from server.


Version: 16.1.0
Month of Release: November 2016

Whats New:

  • Getting Instance MetaData information from services like Azure, AWS, DigitalOcean.
  • Plugin Error Handling.


Version: 16.0.0
Month of Release: October 2016

Whats New:

  • Trace Route to denote network communication failure added in RCA.
  • Update any change in the server IP address for every agent restart. This can be found under Asset Details in the Server Monitor summary page.
  • Command line installation of Linux agents.
  • sudo removed from Shell script plugin execution.
  • Based on the processes running on the Linux server, add plugins in a single click with our suitable recommendations.
  • Status Update to


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Help Agent Release Notes