Error handling messages for Plugins

The following table lists the possible error messages shown while adding a plugin and the solution to fix the error: 

Common error messages for all plugins:

Error Message Reason Solution
Higher version of plugin available

Multiple plugin versions are available for a plugin across multiple servers

Use only the latest version or above for registering any new plugin in another server

Connection error

Connection could not be established

Please check your login credentials, and restart the server agent

Execution error

Unable to execute the script to give JSON data

Please check the script

**node not present

Cannot connect to the specified node

Check whether the mentioned node is present

<Module not installed>

The required dependency module is not installed. Learn more

Please install the required module and restart the server agent. Learn more

Plugin file type not supported

Only the following formats are supported for writing a plugin:

  • Linux - Python, Shell
  • Windows - VB, Batch, PowerShell, DLL

Ensure your script supports the mentioned formats

Plugin file not found

Folder is empty or the plugin file name does not match with the folder name 

Please make sure the file name and the folder name are the same. Move the plugin file to its corresponding folder.

**specific to Elasticsearch plugin

HTTP Error Messages:

Error Message Reason Solution

HTTP error

HTTP connection error

Please check your configurations and restart the server agent

HTTP Error 404

  1. Stats URL given in the plugin file may not be supported.Please make sure you have added an entry in the plugin config file as mentioned in our help docs.
  2. Ensure you have copied the same URL in the plugin file which you had provided in the plugin config file
  3. Ensure the port given by you in the plugin config file while enabling statistics is not occupied

Please give the correct url in the plugin file

HTTP Error 401

(Authentication Error)
  1. Either of username, password or realm specified by the user in the plugin config file does not match the corresponding value in the plugin file.
  2. The value of realm for eg : Strictly\ Private need not be escaped in the plugin file. i.e "Strictly Private" should be specified in the plugin file if it is Strictly\ Private in the config file.
  3. The corresponding plugin service has to be restarted if any changes are made in the config file

Please give the correct authentication parameters in the plugin file

HTTP Error 403

(Authorization Error)
  1. The configuration file "http.conf" is type specific. Make sure the agent machine IP address falls in the "Allow from" rule.
  2. If the required request could not be served by Apache, then this could be due to any additional setting preventing our python script (plugin file) interact with the stats URL. For eg : Web Application Firewall

Please make sure the plugin script is authorized to interact with the stats URL

HTTP Error 302

The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI

Check the configuration and remove the redirection

<urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>

The status URL you have added in the plugin file is invalid or not known

Please check the stats url given in the plugin file for any mistakes.


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