Help Site24x7 AppLogs - Overview

Site24x7 AppLogs for Log Management

AppLogs is a Site24x7 log management service that helps you upload, and manage your logs within a single dashboard across all your associated servers. AppLogs works with an existing Site24x7 Server Monitoring Agent (Windows | Linux) and you will need an agent with version 18.4 or more in Windows and 16.6 or above in Linux.

A log type is a clear definition of the format in which an application writes logs. By default, Site24x7 supports more than 70 different log types. However, if a log type is not supported out of the box, you can still monitor it as a custom log type.

After creating a custom log type, associate it with a Log Profile along with the required server(s). Once the logs are discovered, they will be available for a query language-based search. Also, any new log type that is added will be automatically added to the set of supported log types for future use.

Here is a video to demonstrate how AppLogs works:

What is Site24x7 AppLogs?

Site24x7 AppLogs is an agent-based log collection and management tool based on the cloud. Once the agent is installed on your server, it pushes logs from your server to Site24x7. It is then indexed for faster search, and additionally stored for archival and retrieval.

 Log profile

Why Site24x7 AppLogs?

  1. Spend more time cracking errors and less time tracking them.

    Site24x7 AppLogs makes log monitoring, simple, agile and effective, all from a single intuitive interface. It is integrated with Site24x7 Server Monitoring which helps you identify the cause of a server outage quickly. All your logs across servers, applications, routers, containers, and more will be listed in one central location. This saves you the hassle of individually tracking down logs from multiple servers and helps you debug outages faster.
  2. Key insights are now a click away.

    One of the major issues in log monitoring is too much data displaying on a cluttered screen. With Site24x7 AppLogs, you can view logs in grid view or raw view enabling thorough interpretations so you can spot that needle in the haystack with just the click of a mouse button.
    • Grid View:
      Grid view
  3. Unmatched speed, for all your needs.

    With Site24x7 AppLogs, you will be able to search logs across all your servers at an unmatched speed, allowing you to spend more time uncovering insights.
  4. Log retention period.

    The retention period for logs is 30 days and you can search the logs from the last 30 days. 

How does it work?

Once the Server Monitoring agent is successfully updated, it starts communicating with Site24x7 and pushes logs from your server to ours. Now, your logs are indexed for faster search and stored for archival and retrieval.

You'll need Server Monitoring Agent version 18.4.0 (Windows) or 16.6.0 (Linux) or above to use AppLogs.

What is a log type?

A Log Type is a clear definition of the format in which an application writes logs. Different applications (such as IIS, Cassandra, Apache, MySQL) may write logs in different formats. Thus, defining them as Log Types helps to group logs from different applications to enable ease of access and assists in efficient searching.  View the list of supported log types. You can also upload your logs collected via log shippers like Fluentd and Logstash, and track them using Site24x7 AppLogs. 

Once the Server Monitoring agent is updated and you have given permission to start monitoring, all your logs that already belong to one of these supported log types will be retrieved. You can now start managing your logs by performing search queries. You can also add custom log types.

Default Log Discovery

Site24x7 discovers log types supported by default, and that are available in your servers. You can simply select and add them for monitoring. Once you define a custom log type, those logs will also be discovered by default.

Discovered log types

What is a log profile?

A Log Profile enables you to associate the log types to a particular set of servers. Once a Log Profile is created, corresponding logs will automatically be pushed to your account. A Log Profile will be automatically created if your logs match one of our default supported log formats as they will be automatically discovered, otherwise you can create a new Log Profile to associate your custom log types.

ReIndex Logs

Site24x7 has a maximum retention period of 30 days, and old log data gets deleted after the 30 day period. If you require access to the old log data, you can re-index logs.

Scheduled reports

You can schedule reports for your log types. AppLogs Scheduled Reports give you detailed insights with all your default log type widgets and saved searches for the log types you choose. You can also choose to view the scheduled reports for all your log types.

AppLogs dashboard with intuitive query languge-based filtering

To search your logs efficiently, navigate to AppLogs from the left pane. You can view your logs using two different approaches:

  • Click on the List View icon to view your log results as rows and columns.
  • Or, click on the Dashboard View icon to view the log results as widgets in a dashboard. Similar to the List View, you can simply enter search queries, filter logs based on these queries, and view them condition-wise on an intuitive dashboard. 
All your saved searches will be added to the default dashboard for every log type.

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Help Site24x7 AppLogs - Overview