Help Server Metrics MS Exchange Monitor

Performance Metrics for Microsoft Exchange Servers

Get a quick understanding of the entire exchange farm in a simplified manner. Know all the exchange roles configured on various machines in a simplified graphical view to understand which role is installed in which specific instance. The Exchange monitor uses the Site24x7 Windows agent for monitoring. Install the Windows agent and get your Exchange servers auto-discovered.

Once the Exchange server monitor is successfully added to your Site24x7 account,


Parameter Description
Roles Summary A quick look at the roles monitored under this Exchange server
Related Monitors The monitors associated with this Exchange server monitor


Parameter Description
RPC Response Time from Mailbox to Client Access  Time taken by the RPC (protocol) to contact client access server. 
RPC Operations from Client Access  An operation is defined as a set of processes carried out from a particular server. This counter shows the number of RPC operations from client access server to mailbox. 
RPC Response to Unified Messaging and Hub Transport  Shows the time taken by mailbox server to contact unified messaging server and hub transport server. 
RPC Operations from Unified Messaging  Shows number of RPC operations from unified messaging to mailbox. 
Communication with Hub Transport Store  Shows the number of RPC requests sent, outstanding requests, and the number of slow requests.  
Information Store:  
RPC Average Latency (ms) The average RPC latency of the server 
RPC Requests  Number of RPC requests currently being processed by the RPC client access service 
RPC Operations  Number of RPC operations currently requested from the server
DB Writes Average Latency (ms) Shows the average time, in ms, per database write operation 
DB Reads Average Latency (ms) Shows the average time, in ms, per database read operation 
Cache Size (MB)  The size of system memory, in MB, to store frequently used information from the database files 
I/O Log Writes Average Latency (ms)  The average length of time (in milliseconds) that each log file write operation takes to finish 
Information Store Mailbox:  
Messages Delivered per Second  The number of messages delivered to all recipients per second since the server was started 
Message Opens per Second The number of requests to open messages are submitted to the information store per second since the server was started 
Message Submitted per Second  The total number of messages submitted by the clients per second since the server was started 

Hub Transport

Parameter Description
Hub SMTP (In/Out Bound) Shows data related to the inbound and outbound Hub SMTP messages 
SMTP Shows the data related to the number of SMTP messages sent and received via the SMTP protocol. The total size sent/received as well as the number is also shown 
Transport Queues Shows counters related to number of messages in the delivery queues, the largest remote delivery queue length, aggregate queue length, unreachable queue length etc.
Store Driver Lists the mail items submitted for outbound 
Transport Safety Net The total number of resubmit requests and shadow related requests 

Edge Transport

Parameter Description
Edge SMTP (In/Out bound) Shows data related to the inbound and outbound SMTP messages
SMTP Shows the data related to the number of SMTP messages sent and received via the SMTP protocol. The total size sent/received as well as the number is also shown
Content Filtering The total number of messages that are deleted, quarantined, rejected, and scanned by the Content Filter Agent 
Edge Sync The total number of objects added, deleted, and updated 
Connection Filtering Lists the connections on the IP block list 

Client Access

Parameter Description
Active Sync Shows data related to HTTP access (Outlook Web Access) as well as time taken for the request
Outlook Web Access Active Sync requests shows the number of HTTP requests from the client per second
POP/IMAP Lists the POP and IMAP connections in the server 

Windows Services

Shows metrics related to different Windows services and associated processes running in the deployment. The CPU, memory, thread and handle count of each of the services is tabulated.

Configuration Details

Includes asset details of Mailbox, Hub Transport, and Client Access.

Infrastructure View

Get a structural representation of all the servers and their different roles under your Exchange deployment.


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