Help Introduction Custom Dashboard

Build and Share Custom Dashboards

Custom Dashboard enables you to bring together various key metrics from every tier of your Infrastructure, all in one place. It helps you portray data differently than Site24x7's default dashboards that are offered out-of-the-box. You can create personalized dashboard views by customizing it with dynamic widgets that can be dragged and dropped onto a common dashboard grid. Since the dashboards are responsive in nature, you can even view these dashboards on a mounted Television, Laptop, Tablet or even a Mobile. Personalized dashboards can be customized across multiple metric types and time stamps for your various monitoring needs. It can then be shared with your peers and clients via permalinks, Iframe codes (which can be embedded onto a web page) or as exported PDFs.

What makes Custom Dashboards unique? 

Custom Dashboard lets you present data the way you like in a neat and sleek manner. You can pin critical metrics of your Site24x7 monitors on a single wide canvas for varied time stamps. Some of the core features of the Custom Dashboard includes:

  • Infrastructure wide visibility with support for visually appealing graph or numerical view with a uniform size and arrangement on a grid. 
  • Provide a custom responsive view to compare critical availability and performance data from different monitors. 
  • Aggregate and share data from various monitors publicly or privately with multiple stakeholders.
  • Ability to accomodate upto 100 widgets by dragging and dropping widgets on to a common dashboard grid.
  • Build upto 500 personalized dashboards for your business needs. If you're using a FREE plan, access will not be granted to custom dashboards. 
  • Dashboards auto-update every minute without the need for any third party tools to auto-refresh.
  • Toggle between Day-mode and Night-mode themes for a comfortable viewing experience.
  • Mark selected dashboards as favorites (by clicking on the star icon) to view them on the left tab under Dashboards.
  • Support for dynamic screen aspect ratio allowing you to fit more widgets horizintally for a wider screen.
  • Current Status NOC based widgets that render monitors based on the chosen resource type. Monitors can be viewed in a group, subgroup or business view as per the selection.
  • Offers high time granularity at a widget level and dashboard level. At the widget level, you can select a period from the following available ranges: last 1, 6, 12, 24 hours or a 2, 6, 12 hours period, Today, Yesterday, This week (Sunday-Today), Last week (Sunday-Saturday), Last 7 days, This month, Last 30 days, Last month, and this year. At the dashboard level, you can select a time ranging from last 1, 6, 12 or 24 hours to a year back; you can even select a custom date range.
  • Super Admin or Admin roles can Add/Edit/Delete the dashboard. Other sub-user roles like Operator, Spokesperson, and Read only users will not be able to modify the dashboard. They will be able to see the dashboard listing and the widgets in read-only mode.The sub-users can view the data for generic widgets such as iFrame widgets. Data for other widgets will be visible only if the sub-user has permission to the associated entity (monitor or monitor group). Check our roles and permissions document to know more.  
  • Below are all the widgets that can be used to build your unique dashboard:
    • Performance widget
    • Availability widget
    • Current Status widget
    • Multi-Monitor Performance widget
    • Multi Attribute widget
    • Alarm widget
    • Date & Time widget
    • Iframe widget
    • Top N widget
    • Inventory Details









Create Custom Dashboards

  • Log in to Site24x7.
  • From the Site24x7 menu bar, select Home > Dashboards > + Create New beside the title Custom Dashboards.
  • Type the dashboard's title, or keep the default name. Add a brief description to communicate the purpose of the dashboard.
  • Now build a chart or data widget by specifying the widget category, attributes and time parameters. The widget category, monitor configuration, and time period works together to determine what appears in your chart or data widget view.

Add and Edit Charts and Data Widgets

Customizable, highly-configurable dashboards provide you and your teams with the flexibility to share data, monitor status, and trends. You can create an array of charts and data widgets and pin upto 100 widgets onto your custom dashboard. Based on your business needs, you can easily rearrange the order of the widgets on the dashboard. Use the following steps to create widgets:

  • In the dashboard edit page, pick the type of widget that you wish to pin to the dashboard.
    There are eight categories of widgets that you can pick from, they are: Performance widgets, Multi-Monitor Performance widgets, Availability widgets, Multi Attribute widget, Current Status Widgets, Alarm Widgets, Top N widget, Date & Time widgets, Inventory Details widget, and Iframe widgets.
  • After you select the widget category, filter resources by monitor group, monitor type, monitor name and time stamp.
    For Availability and Performance widgets, you can present the monitor data in a graphical or numerical view. For Monitor Groups, only numerical view is supported for Availability widget. Current status widgets can be filtered based on status. For an Iframe widget, you must specify the URL.

    For an MSP, the custom dashboard will have any additional filter to choose the Customer Name. Widgets can then be created contextually for displaying the monitored data of the chosen customer.
  • Once the resource attributes are filtered, pick a relevant widget tile for your preferred metric from the widget gallery, then drag and drop the widget onto your dashboard grid. For Performance, Multi-Monitor Performance, Availability, Iframe, and Current Status widgets, the size of the widget tiles will be in the ratio of 1:2. However, for Alarm Widget, Performance widget - Numerical  and Date & Time widget, your pinned widget size will be in a ratio of 1:1, by default. By selecting the required grid-size, i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 columns, you can basically accomodate that many number of widgets in a single row. The size of the widgets get auto-resized based on this grid-selection.
  • When finished with your custom dashboard, click the Done Customizing button to view the Custom Dashboard.
  • If you want to alter the landscape of your dashboard by resizing the existing widgets, add more charts and data widgets (maximum of 100) to your custom dashboard or even delete existing widgets or dashboard totally, you must enter the Edit Dashboard mode by clicking the  button.
    • At times, widgets do not render any data during dashboard preview, irrespective of selecting the required parameters in the widget bar. This is because there aren't any recorded data that can be portrayed by the widget. In such scenarios, it is advised that you double check and specify the correct monitor and time stamp values.
    • Alarm Widget and Current Status Widget will portray data in live mode. Other widgets, except for Top N Widget will auto-refresh every one minute. The Top N Widget auto-refreshes every 10 minutes. You can manually refresh these widgets in the Dashboard View by clicking the  icon.

Widget Visualizations

Site24x7 custom dashboard lets you build personalized dashboard views using mainly five type of widgets. Learn more about all the widgets and the data it presents.

Widget Category Widget View What it does?
Performance Widget - Graphical 

Performance graphical widget shows performance data charts for a monitor and attribute-based data of a specific monitor type for a group. The widget data is depicted for a pre-selected time period. 

Resource Type: Monitor

You must set the following filters to set up performance chart widget:

- Choose Resource Type as Monitor
- Filter Monitor by Monitor Group / Tag
- Pick Monitor Type
- Pick Monitors
- Pick Graphical widget from the toggle option
- Choose time period

You'll be able to create individual widgets for the monitors that you've selected. The data is plotted in a line/area/bar/pie charts. Some of the common attributes of a monitor that are plotted on the chart include Response Time, Throughput report, CPU Utilization, Read Latency etc. Based on the monitor type and the widgets that you've selected, the relevant metric gets plotted inside the dashboard widget. You can also view other critical metrics in separate widgets from all the locations that you've configured. The refresh interval is one minute for this widget.

Resource Type: Monitor Group

You must set the following filters to set up attribute-based widget:

- Choose Resource Type as Monitor Group
- Choose Monitor Group 
- Pick Monitor Type
Pick Graphical widget from the toggle option
- Choose location
- Choose time period

When the resource type chosen is Monitor Group, you can pick a monitoring location and select an attribute widget view for that location. The refresh interval is one hour for this widget. The widget renders the average archived data of all the monitors of the selected monitor type in that group for the specified time period. Please note that this widget is not available for the following monitor types: Pugins, Custom Metrics, Azure and GCP.

Resource Type: Child Entity

You must set the following filters to set up performance chart widget for your child entities:

- Choose Resource Type as Child Entity
- Filter Monitors by Monitor Group / Tags
- Pick Monitor Type. Only the following monitor types have child entities.
- Pick Monitor, select the child entity type and pick the child entity of the monitor

Pick Graphical widget from the toggle option
- Choose time period

The refresh interval is one hour for this widget. The widget renders the average archived data of the child entity of the selected monitor (of a particular monitor type) in that group for the specified time period.

Performance Widget - Numerical  

In addition to the graphical view, you can additionally view the performance data of your monitors and monitor groups for a predefined time period in a numerical widget. The data is presented in numerical digits. You can also define the criteria for Conditional Formatting (to set color labels) to your performance data inside the widget.

Resource type: Monitors

If you wish to view the relevant attribute values of your monitor in a numerical format, move the rocker button to NUMERICAL, and the performance widget for your selected monitor will show the monitor attribute data in numericals. Some of the common attributes of a monitor that are plotted on the Numerical widget include Response Time, Transaction Time etc. In Website, REST API and SOAP Web Service Monitors, based on your response time split-up, you'll have additional widgets for individual metric split-up. These include metrics such as DNS Time by Location, Connection Time by Location, SSL Handshake Time by Location, First Byte Time by Location and Download Time by LocationFor Monitor resource type selection, set the following filters to create the widget:

- Resource type "Monitor"
- Filter Monitor by Monitor Group / Tags
- Choose Monitors
- Select the Numerical toggle
- Pick location
- Define criteria for Conditional Formatting
- Choose time period and drag widgets to the dashboard

Resource type: Monitor Group

Monitor Group widget portrays the average performance data of all the monitors in that group. Set the following filters to create the widget:

- Resource type "Monitor Group"
- Choose Monitor Group
- Choose Monitor type
- Choose location
- Define criteria for Conditional Formatting
- Choose time period and drag widgets to the dashboard

Resource type: Child Entity

You must set the following filters to set up numerical widget for your child entities:

- Choose Resource Type as Child Entity
- Filter Monitors by Monitor Group / Tags
- Pick Monitor Type. Only the following monitor types have child entities.
- Pick Monitor, select the child entity type and pick the child entity of the monitor

Pick Numerical widget from the toggle option
- Choose Location
- Choose time period

The widget renders the average archived data of the child entity of the selected monitor (of a particular monitor type) in that group in numerals for the specified time period.

Performance Widget - Text

Performance text widgets provide text attributes related to your plugin monitors.

Availability Widget - Graphical

The Availability widget showcases the availability data of your monitors for a predefined time period in a graphical chart view. You can view the available, unavailable and maintenance percentage split for a specific time stamp.

Resource Type: Monitors

Set the following filters to create the graphical widget:

- Select resource type as Monitor
- Filter Monitor by Monitor Group / Tags

- Choose Monitors (it'll create individual widgets for these monitors)
- Choose time period.

Availability Widget - Numerical

In addition to the graphical view, you can additionally view the availability data of your monitors and monitor groups for a predefined time period in a numerical widget. The data is presented in numerical digits. You can also define the criteria for Conditional Formatting (to set color labels) to your availability data inside the widget.

Resource type: Monitors

For Monitor resource type selection, set the following filters to create the widget:

- Filter Monitor by Monitor Group / Tags
- Choose Monitors
- Select the Numerical toggle
- Define criteria for Conditional Formatting
- Choose time period and drag widgets to the dashboard

Resource type: Monitor Group

Monitor Group widget portrays the average availability data of all the monitors in that group. Set the following filters to create the widget:

Choose Monitor Group
- Define criteria for Conditional Formatting
- Choose time period and drag widgets to the dashboard

Multi Attribute Widget

The Multi Attribute widget lets you view and compare upto five performance metric attributes of a monitor for a designated time. You can quickly isolate all the troublesome attribute that's hindering the overall performance at a specified time period. You can create an area or line chart widget. You must set the following filters to set up this widget:

- Filter Monitor by Monitor Group / Tags
- Choose Monitor Type
- Choose Monitors
- Choose Attributes (upto five)
- Choose time period

Current Status Widget  

Current Status Widget can provide you a mini network operations control (NOC) view. You can instantly view the Live status of all your configured monitors in a single widget. Each of the monitor statuses can be identified using the unique colors that the tiles depict. Select the following filters to set-up the Current Status Widget.
- Choose Resource Type
- Choose relevant Monitors, Monitor Groups, Monitor Type, Tags, or Child Entity
Filter by Status

There are five options to select from in the Resource Type filter: All Monitors, Monitors, Monitor Group, Monitor Type, Tags, Child Entity.

When you've selected the resource type as "Monitors", you'll get an additional filter to specify the monitors that you want to see in the current status widget. When "All Monitors" is selected, the entire list can be viewed in the widget. On selecting the resource type "Monitor Group", you'll have an option to pick a monitor group from your configured list and when resource type is selected as "Monitor Type", you can easily pick resources based on the type of monitor. The "Child Entity" widget will only be shown if you've a preconfigured Network or Server Monitor in the account. When you select Tags as the resource type, you can easily pick resources based on the tags. 

Current Status: Monitor Group/
Monitor Type / Tags

In the current status widget, when you've selected the resource type as Monitor groups, Monitor Type, or Tags you'll see additional filters to select monitor groups or specific monitor type configured in your account. Based on these selections, you can view the selected Monitor Group as Monitor Group, Monitors in Monitor Group, Subgroups in Monitor Group, and as Business View widgets.

Likewise, your selected Monitor Type can be viewed as Monitor Type and Monitors in Monitor Type. All the tags you've associated with your resources can be viewed under Tags in the drop-down option.

In the Monitor GroupMonitor Type or Tags widget, all monitors in a selected group or resource type will be categorized and respesented as individual tiles inside the widget. The status and color code of the overall group will be decided based on the preset threshold value configured by the user during the monitor group setup process.  

Current Status: Monitors in Monitor Group/Monitors
in Monitor Type/ Tags

The Monitors in Monitor Group/Type, Tags Status Widget, sorts and lists all the monitors from all your specified monitor groups or resource types in the widget view. Suppose if you have selected "Zylker" and "Zillium" monitor groups, all monitors in these groups will be listed as individual tiles inside the widget. You'll be able to identify the current status of each of these individual monitors using their respective status colors.   

Current Status: Sub groups in Monitor Group

On selecting the resource type "Monitor Group", you'll have an option to pick the Subgroups in Monitor Group Status Widget. In this widget view, all your subgroups, including the parent group will be categorized and listed as individual tiles inside the widget. You can click on an individual tile in the widget to access the Subgroup's Details.

The status and color code of each subgroup will be decided based on the preset threshold value configured by the user during the monitor group and subgroup set up.

Current Status: Child Entity

If you've a Server or Network Monitor installed in your account, you'll be able to generate the current status widget for the child entities of your Server or Network Monitor. Only the following child entities are supported in this widget.

Current Status: Business View

On selecting the resource type "Monitor Group", you'll have an option to pick the Business View Widget.The Business View Widget shows the business view of your selected Monitor Group in the widget view. You'll be able to identify the current status of every monitor in each groups using their status color codes. The status and color code of each subgroup will be decided based on the preset threshold value configured by the user during the monitor group and subgroup set up. The business view in Current Status widget is click disabled.


Alarm Widget view alarm widget

Alarm Widget helps to view the Down, Critical, Trouble, and Maintenance alarms count for your selected resources in a single widget view. It will display the number of monitors with error along with the total number of monitors. The color of the number of monitors with error will be based on the status with the highest count. If the statuses have the same count, the order of priority for the color would be Down > Critical > Trouble > Maintenance.

You can pick the following resource types:
- All Monitors
- Monitor Group
- Monitor Type
- Tags      

Multi-Monitor Performance Widget

Multi-Monitor Performance widget lets you compare the same metric across multiple monitors of the same monitor type. A user can compare upto 50 monitors in a single widget. The widget portrays individual monitor’s metric data in a line chart separately. In Website, REST API and SOAP Web Service Monitors, based on your response time split-up, you'll have additional widgets for individual metric split-up. These include metrics such as DNS Time by Location, Connection Time by Location, SSL Handshake Time by Location, First Byte Time by Location and Download Time by Location.

If you’ve selected 50 different monitors for comparison, 50 different colored line graphs will be plotted for each monitor's metric separately inside the widget. The widget is not supported for Biztalk Server yet.

Top N Widget - Performance  

The Top N Widget - Performance lists the Top 5, 10, 20, or 25 monitors (of a similar monitor type) and their selected metric values on a scale of worst-to-best. The widget lets you quickly identify the best and worst performing monitors of type, among all monitors in the account or a particular monitor group.

The Top N widget can be published for the following time periods, viz., Last Hour, Last 6 Hours, Last 12 Hours, Last 24 Hours, Today, Yesterday, This Week (Sunday-Today), Last Week (Sunday-Saturday), Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month. Horizontal bar graph views are used to showcase the monitor metric values, in which the worst performing monitor gets stacked at the top. If you hover over a particular monitor on the widget, you can view the monitor name and its metric value. Once published in the dashboard, the widget auto-refreshes the data once every 10 minutes. You can create Top N Widget for all those monitor types that have a preconfigured Top N report. The data portrayed in the widget is based on the archived time data (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly.)

Top N Widget - Availability  

The Top N Availability Widget lists the Least 5, 10, 20, or 25 monitors and their availability percentage (from low to high). The widget lets you quickly identify the top monitors that are Down in an account, a particular monitor type, or monitor group.

The Top N availability widget can be published for the following time periods, viz., Yesterday, This Week (Sunday-Today), Last Week (Sunday-Saturday), Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month. Horizontal bar graph views are used to showcase the availability percentage values in which the top Down monitors are stacked at the top. If you hover over a particular monitor on the widget, you can view the monitor name and its metric value (this tooltip will not be available if the monitor has a 0% availability value in the selected time period). Once published in the dashboard, the widget auto-refreshes the data once every 10 minutes.

Iframe Widget

The Iframe widget lets you showcase any Site24x7 or third-party URLs or permalinks inside a widget. Hence, if you want to import and share your reports from your third-party reporting and analytics tool into Site24x7, you just have to paste the URL of that report in the URL field. Evaluation/Free users can add and view the widget only when they have an active web session. Else, the Iframe widget will be disabled in public view. You must upgrade to a paid subscription plan to view the Iframe widget again.

Note: We disabled a custom dashboard iframe widget from rendering data if it has another Site24x7 iframe widget pre-embedded inside it. Also, we do not allow the addition of a custom dashboard’s iframe link inside the same custom dashboard.

Date & Time Widget

You can select the Date & Time widget to set-up and view the current date and time at your preferred time zone. You can manually pick the required Time zone by applying the filter. You can also tag a City/Region name to the selected time zone.

Inventory Details


If you've an AWS Monitor in your account, the following inventory widgets can be added to your dashboard based on account and resources:


  • Region Distribution Map: You can visualize your AWS services based on the AWS regions they are configured in.
  • Region Distribution Count: You can view the total number of monitored AWS resources and the region-based service count split-up data as a numerical widget.


  • Monitor Count (Numerical): You can visualize the region-based service distribution split-up data in a table.
  • Monitor Count (Bar Chart): You can view how the different AWS services have been operating during a selected time range.
AppLogs widgets


If you're using AppLogs with your Site24x7 subscription, you can add the following widgets to your dashboard.

Log Type

  • You can pick from any of the Log Types you have previously saved in your account.

Widget Type

  • We offer performance charts to be displayed as graphical, numerical or tabular data. You can change the widget type to see metrics for the same attribute displayed in different formats.

The widgets for each log type will be enabled only when you have a saved search.




Organize Dashboard

To access all dashboards, including Custom Dashboards, System Dashboards, and Business Views in Site24x7, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to Site24x7
  • Access Home > Dashboards > Custom Dashboard. All your default system, business view, and custom dashboards will appear here. Hover on the name of a dashboard and click on the  icon to open the dashboard in a new tab.
    You can access your pre-configured Custom Dashboard and reorganize your dashboard if needed. To organize your dashboard, click the icon. Once you enter the customize dashboard mode, you can manually click and drag your widgets, and move it to wherever you want it to be. You can also delete a widget by clicking the "X" icon. If you wish to edit a widget setting, simply click the icon on the widget. It lets you modify/edit an existing widget configuration, change the Name of the Widget and render an all new monitor attribute data for a different time stamp after it is saved. It's mandatory to click the Save button to update your widget configuration. All other changes to the dashboard are saved automatically. After clicking the Done Customizing button, you'll be transitioned to a Dashboard view mode, which in-turn gives you an Edit mode impression. 

Common Tools and Operators for Custom Dashboard


Operation Functional Operators
Update the name
of the dashboard

Type a new name where the original name appears at the top of the dashboard.

Add Widget Marker

Click the   icon on the widget. From the edit widget screen, update the name of

the widget. You can use it to identify a monitor widget by its unique name. 

Shuffle between

Click the   icon on the selected widget. From the edit widget screen, pick a 

different monitor and time period. Click Save to render the updated widget.  

Resize and Reorganize
widget position on

Delete a widget

To permanently delete a widget from your dashboard view, you must click the  icon on the widget. It will instantly remove the widget from the view.

Change Time Period and 
for a custom dashboard
using Time Picker 

Time period for a Custom Dashboard can be set at two levels:

  • Widget Level: This is the default setting in the dashboard view. Here, the time selection ranges from last 1, 6, 12, 24 hours or a 2, 6, 12 hours period, Today, Yesterday, This week (Sunday-Today), Last week (Sunday-Saturday), Last 7 days, This month, Last 30 days, Last month, and this year. Based on the time period selected in the widget bar, individual widgets will render data at different granularity levels 
  • Global Level: In the Custom Dashboard view, you can easily override all the widget level time settings and specify a global dashboard time by picking the relevant time period from the drop-down. By selecting the Widget Level Period, though, you can continue to operate the dashboard under the widget level time settings.

    Based on the time set by you, you can get a granularity of   data. You can even choose a custom date range. The custom date range will have the provision to specify the time in hours and minutes too. Once this setting in the Custom Dashboard view is initialized, all widgets will uniformly start rendering the same granular data for the specified time. 

Day and Night Mode

In the Custom Dashboard view, click the  icon to set the night mode theme for the dashboard. However, if you wish to change back to a Day mode view, simply click the  icon.
Dashboard Refresh Site24x7 Custom Dashboard gets auto-refreshed every minute. If you want to manually refresh the dashboard, simply click the  icon and the view gets updated instantly with all the new data. 
Delete a Custom 

To permanently delete your custom dashboard, access the edit custom dashboard view and click the  button shown on the top right corner. Select the confirmation prompt to cancel or continue.
Note: Once you delete a custom dashboard, you cannot recover it again. You'll need to re-create it from scratch.

Create graphical and
Numerical widget for 
Performance widget 

Performance widgets offer two unique ways of portraying data on the widget.

  • Graphical: Shows a graphical representation of performance graphs like Throughput, Response Time etc.

  • Numerical: You can view the performance metrics of your specified monitors as numerical values.

In the Edit Dashboard view, select all the required parameters for Performance widget and move the  rocker button accordingly.

Export as PDF

Export as PDF: To export the custom dashboard as a PDF document, simply access the  button in the Custom Dashboard view and appropriately select the Export PDF link.

Make Dashboard public

Make Dashboard Public: Dashboards can be made public using permalinks or Iframe code snippets. Access the  button and click the View Permalink link listed in the drop down. A permalink will be provided to you for sharing the dashboards with your peers and customers. You can additionally copy the Iframe code provided to you and paste it inside the body tag of your webpage's HTML or another Iframe widget.
You can also whitelist a range of trusted IP addresses to restrict sharing to those selected IP addresses alone. Click the Unshare Dashboard link in the Share >Dashboard popup window to stop sharing your dashboard publicly.

Change Display size
according to the
type of monitor

Custom Dashboards are designed keeping in mind the various monitor display resolutions available in the market. If you wish to change the monitor display size, simply select the  in the custom dashboard view and appropriately pick, Mobile, Tab, Laptop or Desktop view to render the pinned widgets as per the display unit. Once selected, you can always revert back to the default view by clicking the Reset link.

Additional Resources: 

Join our discussion on Site24x7 Custom Dashboards in the Site24x7 Online community! Our online community is a platform for all Site24x7 tech geeks to discuss about various Site24x7 related topics. If you need further help on any topics, please contact

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Help Introduction Custom Dashboard