
Ping is a Basic Monitor  that lets you monitor the round trip latency to any host. It measures the round-trip time for packets sent from the local host to the destination computer, including the local host's own interfaces. Three ICMP packets are sent per poll, based on which the monitor will be considered as UP if atleast a single packet is received. However, if no packs are received, the monitor will be deemed as DOWN. We send only Echo Request ICMP Packet (Type : 8) with code 0 for ping monitors. Receive instant alerts when the response time crosses the threshold configured. Also, monitor your dual stacked IPv4/IPv6 enabled infrastructure with Site24x7. 

Add a Ping Monitor

  1. Login to Site24x7.
  2. Click Admin > Inventory > Monitors > Add Monitor.
  3. Select Ping from Add Monitor screen.
  4. Specify the host information to test the round trip latency to any host:
    • Display name: Provide an appropriate name to the Ping monitor for identification purpose.
    • Host: Specify the host name. 
    • Check frequency: Choose the required polling frequency. The frequency can be set from 30 seconds  to 1 day. 30 secs can be configured if you're using Enterprise, Enterprise Web, Enterprise Plus Web, Elite, and Elite Web Packs. For all other users 1 minute will be the minimum supported check frequency.
      Configuring 30 seconds check frequency will be consuming the license of two basic monitors.
    • Echo timeout: The host must respond with an Echo Reply message within this duration.
    • Prefer IPv6: If you want to monitor the round-trip latency to your host over IPv6 enabled locations, simply move the rocker button to "YES" when creating or editing a monitor form.
      • Site24x7 lets you monitor your dual-stacked IPv4/IPv6 based infrastructure as per you need. IPv4 will be enabled as the default protocol. You'll be able to monitor your IPv6 infrastructure, once you enable the rocker button to IPv6. If the connectivity over IPv6 fails, it will not fall back to IPv4 automatically. Read more.
      • Enabling IPv6 in the monitoring form doesn't make it compatible to monitor IPv4, by default. If you want to monitor a resource, which is compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6–you'll have to set up two separate monitor checks for this.
    • Monitoring locations: Select a location profile from the drop down list from where the ping service can be polled from the selected location. You can select an IPv4/IPv6 enabled monitoring location.
      To know more, refer Location Profile.
    • Monitor Groups: You can associate your monitor with multiple monitor groups by selecting the relevant monitor groups from the drop down list. This allows in logical grouping of your monitors. 
      To learn how to create a monitor group for your monitors, refer Monitor Groups.
    • Dependent on monitor: Select a monitor from the drop-down list to choose it as your dependent resource. Alerts to your monitor will be suppressed based on the DOWN status of your dependent resource.
      Configuring a dependent resource and suppressing alerts based on the dependent resource's status is part of providing you with better false alerts protection. Learn more about alert suppression at monitor level.

      If you select "None" in the dependent resource field, alerting will progress as per your normal configuration settings. No alerts will be suppressed in this case as the monitor doesn't have any dependent resource.

      Multiple monitor group support for monitors allow a monitor to be associated with multiple dependent resources in different monitor groups. If during a normal monitor status check, any one of these dependent resources' status is identified as DOWN, the alert for the monitor will be automatically suppressed. However, the dependency configuration at monitor level is always given the higher priority over any other monitor group level dependency configuration for suppressing alerts.
  5. Specify the following details for Configuration Profiles:
    • Threshold and Availability: Select a threshold from the drop down list or choose the default threshold set available and get notified when the resources cross the configured threshold and availability.
      To create a customized threshold and availability profile, refer Threshold and Availability.
      Refer here to know how to set the ping monitor to not show as down unless it is down globally
    • Tags: Associate your monitor with predefined Tag(s) to help organize and manage your monitors creatively. Learn how to add Tags.
    • IT Automation: Select an automation to be executed when the website is down/trouble/up/any status change/any attribute change. The defined action gets executed when there is a state change and selected user groups are alerted.
      To automate corrective actions on failure, refer IT Automation.
  6. Alert Settings
    • User Alert Group: Select the user group that need to be alerted during a outage. To add multiple users in a group, see User Groups.
    • On-Call Schedule: On-Call Schedule option helps you to ensure that the notifications are sent to assignees in specific shift hours helping them to quickly respond to alerts or incidents. Choose an On-Call of your preference from the drop-down. 
    • Notifcation Profile: Choose a notification profile from the drop down list or select the default profile available. Notification profile helps to configure when and who needs to be notified in case of downtime. Refer Notification Profile to create a customized notification profile.
    You can receive alerts if the monitors are associated to user groups irrespective of the On-Call shift you've configured.
  7. Third-Party Integrations: Associate your monitor with a pre-configured third-party service. It lets you push your monitor alarms to selected services and facilitate improved incident management.
    If you haven't setup any integrations yet, navigate across to ”Admin > Third Party Integration” to create one. Tell me more.
  8. Click Save.
    Once the monitor setup is completed, Site24x7 deep discovery wizard scans your domain and auto detects all related internet resources for your domain that can be added to your account for a comprehensive internet services monitoring. Explore more about internet services deep discovery.

Learn more about the various performance metrics of a Ping Monitor.

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