Help Admin Configuration Profiles

Configuration Profiles

Location Profile

Set monitoring locations consistently across Website, Web Application, DNS, FTP etc. Learn More.

Notification Profile

Configure when and who needs to be notified in case of downtime. Learn More.

Email Template

Customize your email template for reporting alert. Learn More

Global Parameters

Generate custom name-value pairs that can be dynamically substituted for your intended task. Learn More.

Set-up OAuth 2 Provider

Create multiple OAuth 2 application profiles. Generate access tokens to successfully authorize monitoring of Websites/APIs secured with OAuth 2. Learn More.

Web Tokens

Create access tokens for securely transferring information between two parties. Learn More.

Anomaly Settings

Use Anomaly settings to configure the Anomaly severity deviation % and get the desired anomalies. Learn More.

Threshold and Availability

Threshold and Availability Profiles help the alarms engine to decide if a specific resource has to be declared critical or down. You can always clone a threshold profile or delete it from the Threshold Profiles list by accessing the hamburger icon. Configure Downtime Rules to reduce false alerts for the following monitors:

Synthetic Transactions

Web Transaction | REST API TransactionWeb Transaction (Browser)

Internet Service Monitors

Website | Web Page Speed (Browser) | REST API | SOAP Web Service | DNS Server | SSL / TLS Certificate | Mail Delivery | Port (Custom Protocol) | POP Server | SMTP Server | Ping | FTP Server | NTP ServerFTP Transfer | ISP Latency

Virtualization Monitoring

On-Premise PollerVMware ESX/ESXi Server | VMware VM | VMware Datastore | VMware Resource Pool | VMware Snapshot | VMware Cluster

VMware VDI: Horizon 

Nutanix: Nutanix Cluster | Nutanix Host | Nutanix VM

AWS Monitoring

EC2 Instance RDS Instance | S3 bucket | S3 object URL endpoint | DynamoDB table | Classic load balancer | Application load balancerSNS Topic | Lambda | ElastiCache | Network load balancer | SQS | CloudFront | Kinesis services | Elastic Beanstalk | Direct Connect | VPC-VPN Connection | API GatewayRoute 53 Health Check Route 53 Resolver Route 53 Hosted Zone Route 53 Hosted Zone Record Set | Gateway Load Balancer | Systems Manager | Amazon AppStream 2.0

Server Monitoring

Server Monitor | Server Monitor - Agentless |PluginExchange | SQL | IIS | SharePoint | Office 365 | SMART Disk

Network Monitoring

Network Device | NetFlow Monitor | VoIP Monitor

Application Performance Monitoring

Application Performance Monitor

Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning Threshold

Credential Profile

Site24x7 Credential Profile is a secure library of sensitive data. You can store the key usernames and passwords of your resources here for easy use when you start monitoring. Save your credentials now!

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Help Admin Configuration Profiles