Plugin extensions for your entire app stack

Analyze the elements affecting your business by choosing from our growing list of integrations or write your own, specific to your need.

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Monitoring and Integrations for your Entire App Stack

Gain visibility across all your apps, systems, and services.

Kubernetes Services Kubernetes Services
SQL Managed Instances SQL Managed Instances
Disks Disks
Storage Accounts Storage Accounts
Azure Data Lake Storage Data Lake
Azure Blob Storage Blob Storage
Azure Queue Storage Queue Storage
Azure Files Azure Files
Azure Table Storage Table Storage
Azure Database for PostgreSQL Azure PostgreSQL DB
Azure Cache for Redis Azure Redis Cache
SQL Elastic Pools SQL Elastic Pools
Managed Databases Managed Databases
Azure Cosmos DB Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Backup Azure Backup
Virtual Machines (Classic) VM (Classic)
Azure IoT Hub Azure IoT Hub
Azure Maps Azure Maps
Digital Twins (Preview) Digital Twins (Preview)
Device Provisioning Services DPS
Notification Hubs Notification Hubs
Azure Search Azure Search
Azure SignalR Service SignalR Service
App Service Plans Azure ASP
Automation Automation
Live and On-Demand Streaming Live Streaming
Application Insights Application Insights
Container Instances Container Instances
Container Registry Container Registry
Cognitive Services Cognitive Services
Azure Machine Learning Service Azure ML
Virtual Machines Scale Sets VM Scale Sets
Batch Batch
Public IP Addresses Public IP Addresses
Azure DNS Azure DNS
Virtual Networks Virtual Networks
ExpressRoute ExpressRoute
Application Gateway Application Gateway
Network Watcher Network Watcher
Virtual Network (Classic) Virtual Network (Classic)
Azure Firewall Azure Firewall
Traffic Manager Traffic Manager
Load Balancer Load Balancer
Network Interfaces Network Interfaces
Connections Connections
Event Hubs Event Hubs
Data Lake Analytics Data Lake Analytics
Data Factory Data Factory
HDInsight HDInsight
Azure Analysis Services Azure Analysis Services
Log Analytics Workspaces Log Analytics Workspaces
Event Grid Event Grid
API Management API Management
Logic Apps Logic Apps
Relays Relays
Key Vault Key Vault
CloudFront AWS CloudFront
NAT Gateways AWS NAT Gateways
CloudSearch AWS CloudSearch
Elasticsearch AWS Elasticsearch
Elastic MapReduce AWS Elastic MapReduce
Simple Queue Service (SQS) AWS SQS
Simple Email Service (SES) AWS SES
Step Functions AWS Step Functions
Web Application Firewall (WAF) AWS WAF
Key Management Service AWS KMS
Neptune AWS Neptune
Transit Gateway AWS Transit Gateway
Amazon MQ Amazon MQ
Certificate Manager AWS Certificate Manager
Key Management Service GKE
Key Management Service Google Cloud Functions
Key Management Service Storage Services
Key Management Service Cloud Pub/Sub
Key Management Service Cloud Spanner
Key Management Service Google App Engine
Key Management Service Cloud Firestore
Key Management Service Cloud SQL
Key Management Service Load Balancing
Key Management Service VPN Tunnel
Key Management Service Cloud Dataflow
Google Compute Engine Google Compute Engine
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