Help Introduction Configuration Profiles

Configuration Profiles

Configuration profile facilitates creation of unique settings for notification, threshold, alerting, actions and more. You can create and maintain configuration profiles to have a standard and uniform settings for all your monitoring needs. Additionally, several configuration profiles can be created with customized settings and the appropriate ones can be chosen while setting up your monitors.

Users can configure and maintain profiles for the following activities:

  • Location Profile: Location Profiles make it convenient to configure the list of locations and set monitoring locations consistently across many websites or monitors. Based on your IT infrastructure, you have the freedom to choose from a wide range of IPv4 and IPv6 supported monitoring locations around the world. Additionally, you can even choose your configured on-premise pollers and mobile network pollers to monitor your resources. Learn more about customizing a location profile.
  • Threshold and Availability: Configure these profiles to help the alarms engine decide if a specific resource has to be declared critical or down and receive notifications when resources overshoot the configured threshold limit. Learn more about customizing threshold and availability profiles.
  • Notification Profile: Configure when and who needs to be notified in case of a downtime. Learn more about customizing a notification profile.
  • Email Template: Email Templates help you customize the email content for reporting an alert. You can associate an Email Template to a Notification Profile, which in turn is associated to a Monitor. Learn more about creating an email template.
  • Actions: Automate a website restart, initiate an application back-up or define a host of other actions via an URL call back action. "Action" is an ‘user defined HTTP call back action’ popularly known as a web hook. You can define a secondary level alerting action to be executed when your website faces any of the following scenarios up/trouble/down/any status change/attribute change. Learn more about setting up Actions.
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Help Introduction Configuration Profiles