Help APM App Parameters

App Parameters

App Parameters is a helpful feature that monitors important metrics in your application. With App Parameters, you can monitor the:

  • Size,  numeric value, or frequency of a variable.
  • Size or frequency of an operation in an application.

Let's say a simple web request involves an API call, a database (DB) operation, and a cache hit; a single request can invoke multiple resources, and multiple users can invoke multiple requests at once. In these instances, you can figure out how often the API was called, as well as the number of times the DB operation took place during a particular time interval. This helps you assess if the CPU or memory is being overloaded and how this is affecting your app performance for the given time interval. 

With real-world applications, the App Parameters feature comes in handy when monitoring the frequency of hits to DB calls, service calls, or user-defined framework calls. Based on the report in App Parameters, you can troubleshoot performance degradation caused by an overload of hits.  

Get started with App Parameters:

Operations involved:

1. Sum 

  • The sum of all values passed in a specific interval for a parameter.


  • The average value passed in a specific interval for a parameter.

Every parameter will be sent with the below metrics to track its frequency:


1.Param Name:

  • The parameter name provided by the user in the application.

2.Total Value:

  • The aggregated value for the corresponding parameter on a particular interval.


1.Param Name:

  • The parameter name provided by the user in the application.

2.Total Value:

  • The aggregated value for the corresponding parameter during a particular interval.

3.Minimum Value:

  • The minimum value captured in that particular interval.

4.Maximum Value:

  • The maximum value captured in that particular interval.

5.Total Count:

  • The total number of hits.

App Parameter APIs are available for .NET and Java agents. Follow the instructions below to get started.

For .NET and .NET Core applications:

  1. Install APM Insight .NET agent or APM Insight .NET Core agent based on your application environment.
  2. Download or reference the package Site24x7.Agent.Api from the NuGet package manager to your application project.
  3. The Api contains the below methods for tracking app parameters,


Sum of values passed in a specific interval for a parameter. If the sum is an empty value, it will be incremented by 1.

                 Site24x7.Agent.Api.Increment(string keyName);
                 Site24x7.Agent.Api.Increment(string keyName, object incrementalValue);


Average of values passed for a parameter in a specific interval.

Site24x7.Agent.Api.Average(string keyName, object averagingValue);

Parameter Name



The name  of the app parameter you want to monitor.


The App parameter key will be incremented by this value.


         The App parameter key will be averaged by this value.

4. Add the above code snippets wherever required:


public ActionResult Register()


         //parameter "Registrations" will be incremented by 1 and sent as SUM


         //parameter "TotalSignUps" will be incremented by myKeyValue and sent as SUM 

         DotNetAgent.Api.CustomTracker.Increment("TotalSignUps", myKeyValue);

         //parameter "AverageSignUps" will be incremented by value and sent as AVG 

         DotNetAgent.Api.CustomTracker.Average("AverageSignUps", myKeyAvgValue);

         //Your Application code goes here..

         return View();


5.  Publish the application to start tracking the parameters.


For Java applications:

  1. Install the APM Insight Java agent
  2. Ensure you meet the prerequisites. Bundle the API jar found in your application build path (apminsight-javaagent-api.jar). The preferred location is WEB-INF/lib.
  3. Add the code snippet below wherever required.



Value for the key will be incremented by 1. Key will be cleared on every agent polling interval. 

CustomMetric.increment("key_name", value)

Value for the key will be increment by the specified value. Key will be cleared on every agent polling interval.


CustomMetric.average("key_name", value)

Value for the key will be aggregated and its count will be collected by the agent and pushed to Site24x7's servers.


private void generateReport(String type)



// Other app operations

double averageValue = getAverageValue();

CustomMetric.average(type, averageValue);

 For PHP applications:

  1. Install the APM Insight PHP agent for Windows or Linux based on your application environment.
  2. Add the code snippet below wherever required in your PHP script.



The value for the key will be incremented by 1. The key will be cleared at every agent polling interval.


The specified value will increment the value for the key. The key will be cleared at every agent polling interval.


The average of the values passed for a parameter at a specific interval.



To view App Parameters:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account > Your application > App Parameters.
  2. App Parameters created for operations/variables will be listed on the right, along with the name you have provided and the type of parameter (sum or average).
  3. Click on the parameter you wish to view; you can create, save, and update views for future reference.



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Help APM App Parameters