Help Admin Threshold and Availability Threshold and Availability for Plugins

Threshold and Availability for Plugins

Once a plugin monitor is sucessfully added to your Site24x7 account, add a threshold and availability profile to help the alarms engine decide if a specific resource has to be declared critical or down.

While setting up a threshold profile, you can also map automation(s) to desired attribute(s). Once the threshold is breached, the corrective automation will be executed and the issue can be fixed without manual intervention. You can map upto five corrective automations per attribute.

Add a Threshold and Availability Profile

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability > Add Threshold Profile.
  2. Specify the following details:
    • Monitor Type: Select Plugins from the drop-down list.
    • Choose a plugin template.
    • Display Name: Provide a label for identification purposes.
  3. Set threshold values appropriately for each of the attributes mentioned.
  4. The user can also opt to get the monitor status as either Down, Trouble, or Critical when any of the attributes exceed the configured value.
A user can have multiple threshold profiles for a plugin template, while a plugin monitor can have only one threshold profile mapped to it.

Use the Bulk Action Wizard (Admin > Monitors > Bulk Action) to associate a threshold profile to multiple plugin monitors at one go.

Edit a Threshold and Availability Profile

  1. Click on the profile in the Threshold and Availability screen that needs to be edited.
  2. Edit the parameters which needs to be changed in the Edit Threshold Profile window.
  3. Click Save.

Delete a Threshold and Availability Profile

  1. Click on the profile in the Threshold and Availability screen that needs to be deleted.
  2. This will navigate to the Edit Threshold Profile window.
  3. Click Delete.

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Help Admin Threshold and Availability Threshold and Availability for Plugins