Help Business Units User Roles and Role Based Access Permissions

Different User Roles and Role Based Access Permissions

Organization Role and Site24x7 Role

There are various roles and user privileges allocated to individual users in Site24x7. The users of the organizations can assume various roles in Site24x7 based on specific requirement. The roles available are categorized under Zoho Organization account roles and Site24x7 account roles.  

What is an...

Organization Role:

Site24x7 is a service by Zoho Corporation and use Zoho Accounts as a service for single-sign-on. Hence, the original Site24x7 Portal Admin will be delegated with a Zoho Organization Account. There are two major roles in a Zoho Organization account viz., Org Admin and Org UserAs an Organization admin, you can assign or change the user organization roles using Zoho Directory. For further clarification you can contact Site24x7 support team.

Following are the user roles in an Organization Account:

  1. Org Admin: Org Admins have complete user management control over their Zoho Organization account. If they have the Super Admin or Admin role in their Organization account, they can add anyone as a Site24x7 Team's Portal User.
  2. Org User: Org Users have no control on user management, but if they have Portal Admin role in Site24x7 account, they can add any existing Zoho Organization user as a Site24x7 Team's Portal User.
    Learn more about the various privileges of a Zoho Organization Role.

    A user email address can't be linked to multiple Zoho Organization accounts (and Site24x7 accounts). If you wish to add a user (who is already a part of another Zoho Org account) to your Zoho Org account–the user will need to exit that Organization account first, before joining your Organization.

    A few points to ponder before learning about the various Team Portal roles:
    • Site24x7 Portal Admin rights alone doesn’t gurantee you any privilege to add a user; you must have the Organization Admin role as well.
    • There can be multiple Organization Admins, but only a single Organization Super Admin.

Site24x7 Team Management Roles:

Based on specific roles, Site24x7 lets you have complete or limited control over the access levels of various teams in your Site24x7 Team Management portal. There are two roles in Site24x7 Team Portal account–Portal Admin and Portal User. The following are the user roles in Site24x7, which can be entailed to a particular contact:

  1. Portal Admin: Portal Admin for your Teams Management account will have unrestricted operational and management control over created Teams. However, no access will be extended to other Team Accounts, unless associated. Account Contact will have unrestricted access to entire Teams Management Portal. 
  2. Portal Users: Portal Users will have read-only access for Teams Management.

The following table explains the Portal Admin and Portal User roles and their related privileges in detail:

Function/Roles Portal Admin Portal User
Add/Edit/Delete Monitor in Team Account No Access (until
No Access (until
Access Teams in Team Management Portal
No Access (until
No Access (until
Add/Edit Team Management Users Read and Write View
Add Teams Read and Write View 
Edit Teams No Access (until
No Access
Terminate Teams No Access (until
No Access
Customize Team Management Settings Read and Write View
Purchase Add-ons and alert credits, raise Purchase Orders Read and Write No Access
Modify Team Subscriptions Read and Write View


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Help Business Units User Roles and Role Based Access Permissions