Help NetFlow NetFlow Metrics Application Metrics

NetFlow: Application Metrics

The Applications tab lists all applications that pass through the specific network traffic device over a point of time. You can view the Application Name and the Traffic the application generates in bytes and automatic units.

Top N applications

View the top N applications that generate traffic by navigating to Network > NetFlow > NetFlow Devices > Applications.

Top N protocols

From the right corner of the Application tab, you can toggle to Protocol to view network traffic details categorized based on protocols. View the top N protocols that generate traffic.

IN and OUT traffic

You can view the IN-OUT toggle button in both the Application and Protocol tabs. Toggle to IN to view the top N applications and top N protocols based on In Traffic.

Toggle to OUT to view the top N applications and top N protocols based on Out Traffic.

Application Name Top N applications that generate traffic.
Traffic The amount of traffic that a particular application generates for data transfer, measured in bytes and percentage.
Protocol Name Top N protocols that generate traffic.
Traffic The amount of traffic that a particular protocol generates for data transfer, measured in bytes and percentage.

Application metrics

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Help NetFlow NetFlow Metrics Application Metrics