Customer Management
Site24x7's MSP Admin can individually add and manage their customers' accounts from a unified dashboard. With predefined roles and privileges extended to individual customers, the customers will also have controlled access to their own data. By default, when you create a customer account–you'll be provided complete Site24x7 Super Admin rights over that customer account. The Customer Management dashboard in the MSP portal allows you to view the list of customers added to your MSP account. Additionally, you can also create Customer Groups to simplify customer account and user management. When a customer is added to your MSP account, an MSP Customer Pack is activated.
How Can I?
- View Customer Account and Customer Group Details
- Add Customer Account
- Edit Customer Account
- Downgrade/Upgrade/Terminate Customer Account
- Customer Groups
- Access Customer Portal
- Set up Single Sign-On with SAML
View Customer Account and Customer Group Details
Being an MSP User, you can quickly track the details of all the customers in your MSP account by simply following the steps listed below:
- Log in to your Site24x7 MSP Account.
- Click the Admin > Customer Management > Customers icon listed in the Dock.
- You will be navigated to the Customer Account Details page.
- From the customer account details page, you'll be able to gather the following information:
- Customer Name: Name of the MSP Customer.
Unless the Customer Company Name is specified, the Main Account Contact Name will be displayed. - Email address: The contact email address of the customer.
- Number of MSP Admins: It highlights the number of MSP Admins who can handle the customer account.
If you've added the MSP Customer account, by default Site24x7 gives you full Super Admin privilege to operate the Customer account. However, you can always associate other MSP Users with the customer account with Admin privilege. - Status: Based on the current operational status of the customer's account, the account is classified as INACTIVE, FREE or ACTIVE.
- INACTIVE: The customer account has been terminated and is no more in use.
- ACTIVE: This is an active customer account.
- FREE: This account has been succesfully downgraded to a FREE customer account. To enjoy unrestricted access to the account, you must upgrade the account.
- Manage: If you wish to upgrade/downgrade/terminate a certain customer account, just move the cursor over the
icon, and click on the relevant dropdown instance. An ACTIVE account can be downgraded/terminated. Similarly, a FREE account can be upgraded/terminated.
An INACTIVE account is terminated; hence, the access to manage the account is completely restricted.
Additionally, you can also view the Customer Groups and its associated Customer Accounts in a separate view under Customer Management.
Add Customer Account
An MSP account allows multi-tenancy with the ability to host multiple accounts. This count can be always increased as per your need. You can purchase additional add-ons to increment the existing customer count. However, during your MSP evaluation, the same is limited to three customer accounts. Being an MSP Admin lets you to easily set up Customer Accounts under your MSP account. The MSP Admin will have complete access to the customer account as Site24x7 Super Admin user. However, other MSP Users can also access these accounts with Site24x7 Admin privileges.
Follow the steps below to successfully configure a customer account:
- Log in to your MSP account.
- Navigate to Admin > Customer Management > Customers > Add Customer Account button.
- A modal popup window shows up asking you to enter the details for setting up your Customer Account.
- Customer Details:
- Customer's Company: Enter the company name of your MSP customer.
- Customer Website: Fill up the Website URL of the MSP Customer.
- Main Account Contact Name: Provide the contact name for the MSP customer account.
- Customer's Email: Enter the customer's email address.
- Invite this customer to access monitoring portal: Fill this check box and provide the email address of an end customer, whom the MSP wishes to invite to access the White-labelled customer portal.
An invitation email will be instantly triggered to the added customer, who will then be added to the respective customer account as a Site24x7 Sub-User with MSP Customer role.
The option to invite an end customer will not be available while editing the customer account. However, if you still wish to invite an end customer to the customer account, you can follow the steps listed here.
- Invite this customer to access monitoring portal: Fill this check box and provide the email address of an end customer, whom the MSP wishes to invite to access the White-labelled customer portal.
- Mobile Number: Choose the appropriate country code and enter the contact number of the customer contact.
Only after completing the verification of your mobile number, the customer will be listed in the customer dashboard. - Associate to Customer Groups: You can associate the customer account with multiple Customer Groups. Learn more about Customer Groups.
- Country: Choose the customer's country name from the drop down.
- Industry: Choose the industry vertical to which your customer is associated.
- Main Account Contact's Role/Title: Select the Role/Title of the account contact from the drop-down.
- Customer Account Customization:
- Customer Login Portal: Personalize your Customer Portal URL by providing a unique customer login portal name extension. This will facilitate easy access to the monitoring console.
The Customer Login Portal will have the following components: Custom Domain for MSP followed by /app/login/ , further followed by the unique Customer Login Portal Name. An MSP's end customer can view their reports online by accessing this custom URL. Following is an example for a custom URL: "".
In order to enable URL rebranding, make sure you create a CNAME record in your DNS zone file to point the unique customer login portal URL to the Site24x7 URL. Learn more about CNAME mapping. - Language for Web Client: Choose an appropriate language from the dropdown list, so that you and your customers can view all the Site24x7 details in that particular language.
- Customer's Timezone used in Reports: Change the time zone manually according to your requirement from the drop down list. All reports are generated based on your selected time zone. Learn more.
- Associate MSP Users: An MSP Admin can add and associate multiple MSP Users to manage an MSP Customer Account. Fill the relevant check box to associate the MSP User to the customer account. It will provide Site24x7Super Admin rights to the MSP Admin and Site24x7 Admin rights to MSP Operator for managing the customer account.
- Enter Captcha: A unique captcha will be provided. Provide the captcha in the given field.
- Once all the fields are filled, you can click the "Create Customer Account" button to successfully create a customer account in your MSP Account. The customer account will be automatically added to your Customer Account Details dashboard.
Edit Customer Account
To edit the parameters listed in the existing customer account, follow the steps listed below:
- Log in to Site24x7 MSP account.
- Navigate to Admin > Customer Management > Customers> Click the ribbon that lists the relevant customer details.
- A modal popup is displayed where you can edit your customer account details.
- Save the form once completed. The customer account details will be updated by now.
Downgrade/Upgrade/Terminate Customer Account
You can always Downgrade/Upgrade/Terminate a customer account, if you've an MSP Admin privilege.
Downgrade Customer Account
If you wish to downgrade your ACTIVE account to FREE, follow the steps below:
- Log in to Site24x7 MSP Account.
- Navigate to Admin > Customer Management > Customers > Choose an ACTIVE customer account and hover over the
icon listed on the ribbon.
- Click Downgradebutton to convert the customer account to a FREE account.

Upgrade Customer Account
If you wish to upgrade your FREE account to an ACTIVE account, follow the steps below:
- Log in to Site24x7 MSP Account.
- Navigate to Admin >Customer Management >Customers > Choose a FREE customer account and hover over the
icon listed on the ribbon.
- Click Upgrade button to convert the customer account to an ACTIVE account.
Terminate Customer Account
If you wish to Terminate your ACTIVE or FREE account, follow the steps below:
- Log in to Site24x7 MSP Account.
- Navigate to Admin >Customer Management >Customers > Choose either an ACTIVE or FREE customer account and hover over the
icon listed on the ribbon.
- Click Terminate. Specify the reason for downgrade and enter the captcha before clicking the Terminate my Customer Account button. Your customer account will be instantly revoked and made to INACTIVE.
Customer Groups
Customer Group lets you create unique Customer rosters to facilitate better management of Customer Accounts. Every Customer Group can have a unique combination of Customer accounts. Once a Customer Group is created, you can view the same under the Customer Groups' List View.
Follow the steps below to create a Customer Group:
- Log in to Site24x7 MSP client.
- Navigate to Admin > Customer Management > Customer Groups.
- Click the Add Customer Group button.
- In the Add Customer Group pop-up window, specify the follwing details:
- Group's Name: Name of the Customer Group
- Associate Customers: Link all the Customer Accounts that you want to manage with this group.
- Once completed, click the Save button to create the Customer Group.
- You can modify or delete an existing customer group by clicking the group from Customer Groups list. Users can also be dissociated from the Edit Customer Group form. Learn more.
Say your Customer Account (linked with a Customer Group) gets associated with an MSP User. The association with the MSP user will stay intact during the deletion of Customer Group.
However, you can manually disassociate the MSP User from the Customer Account by navigating to the Customer’s User & Alerts Management form and then deleting the MSP User.
Access Customer Portal
MSP's end customers can sign into their white-labelled monitoring console and access various monitor reports by simply logging in using the custom URL provided by the MSP (Here is an example of how a custom URL would look like: ""). Customer Login Portal Name can be set up during the customer account creation. You can invite your end-customers to access the monitoring console. Once the end customer accepts the invitation, he/she can login to the white-labelled monitoring console with an MSP Customer role.
Set up Single Sign-On (SSO) with SAML based Authentication
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based framework for exchanging user authentication, entitlement, and attribute information. It helps to exchange authentication and authorization data between applications like identity providers (IdP) and service providers. Follow the steps below to setup SSO with SAML based authentication:
- Log in to Site24x7 MSP account.
- Navigate to Admin > Customer Management > Customers.
- In the Customer Accounts listing page, hover over the hamburger icon next to an account of your preference and click SAML Authentication.
- In the SAML Authenticationpop-up that opens, provide the following details:
- Remote Login URL: Enter the remote login URL of your IdP to which Site24x7 MSP custom portal will be redirecting your end users.
- Remote Logout URL: Enter the remote logout URL of your IdP to which Site24x7 MSP custom portal will be redirecting your end users when they attempt to log out of the Site24x7 MSP custom portal.
- Reset Password URL: Enter the reset password URL of your IdP to which Site24x7 MSP custom portal will be redirecting your end users when they try to change their password for the Site24x7 MSP custom portal.
- X 509 Certificate: Upload the Public X.509 certificate in text format. The public key in the certificate will be used to verify that your IdPhas issued all received SAML authentication requests.
- Algorithm: Select an algorithm between RSA and DSA using which your IdP generated the public keys and certificates.
- SAML Request URL: Copy the SAML Request URL from this field in Site24x7 MSP portal and paste it in the respective field in your IdP.
- SAML Response URL: Copy the SAML Response URL from this field in Site24x7 MSP portal and paste it in the respective field in your IdP.
- Default Relay State: Copy the Default Relay State value from this field in Site24x7 MSP portal and paste it in the respective field in your IdP.
- Click Save.