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Access Customers from Home to get a high-level view of your customer accounts.

Customer Health View

Customer Health View lets you gain a high-level operational status view of every customer accounts in your MSP account--all in a single console. Your Customer's account will be posted as a Status Card. Each Status Card will display the Main Account Contact Name or (Customer Company Name, if specified) and Customer Account's current status. You can refresh your Site24x7 Customer Health View by clicking the   icon. Additionally, your Site24x7 Customer Health View will be refreshed automatically every 5 minutes, by default. Site24x7's status API calls will fetch this data and store it for 5 minutes, by default. The cached data is automatically cleared every 5 minutes. The caching is handled for the Customer Health View alone.

  1. Login to MSP Account.
  2. Click Home > Dashboards listed on the MSP dock.
  3. You can view all customer accounts configured under your Site24x7 MSP account, listed as Status Cards.

    Each Monitor Status Card is color coded to facilitate quick identification of the operational status of all monitors in your customers' accounts. The status card color coding is controlled based on the following conditions:
    • If the customer account has at least one DOWN Monitor, the status card will render output in RED.
    • If the customer account has at least one TROUBLE Monitor and rest of the monitors are UP, the status card will render output in GOLDEN YELLOW.
    • If the customer account has no DOWN or TROUBLE monitors in the customer account, the status card will render output in GREEN.

At any point of time, you can access any Customer Account under your MSP account by simply clicking the respective Status Card. Additionally, you can use the search bar to locate the Customer Cards from the Home Dashboard by keying in the customer name. However, to ensure seamless access to the customer accounts, you must either have created the customer account or must have been associated to the customer accountLearn more about the MSP Roles and privileges.


Network Operations Control (NOC) View

If you wish to see the (Network Operations Control) NOC View in your MSP account, just click the  icon. In the NOC view, you can see the real-time status of all monitors in your MSP account inside a single dashboard without scroll. Individual monitors are depicted in a square tile, with unique color codes showing their real-time monitor status along with the relevant monitor's name and the customer name. With NOC view, you can fit in upto 10K monitors in a single screen. Additionally, for DOWN or TROUBLE monitors, the reason for outage is also shown. NOC dashboard is no-click enabled. You also get to alter your NOC background by opting for a Dark Theme.

In addition to the Status filter (which lets you select monitors based on status like UP, DOWN, TROUBLE, CONFIGURATION ERROR, MAINTENANCE, DISCOVERY IS IN PROGRESS, and SUSPENDED), you also get to filter the NOC dashboard based on Customer Accounts. If you select multiple customer accounts using this filter, the dashboard will render all the monitors from these Customer Accounts. While rendering this display, the dashboard will also take into account the Status filter selected by you. By default, you will be shown all the monitors from all the customers' accounts associated to your MSP account. NOC view is independent of any roles and privileges.  


Customer Groups

Customer Group lets you create a unique Customer rosters to facilitate the better management of Customer Accounts. Every Customer Group can have a unique combination of Customer accounts. Once a Customer Group is created, you can view the same under the Customer Groups' List View. 

All the customers mapped will be listed under Customer Groups and by clicking on the Customer Group you can view the customers in that group. You can view the details of the customers in your customer group by navigating to AdminCustomer Groups.Customer Groups without customers will not be listed under this option.
Know more about Customer Groups.

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