Getting started with CloudSpend
What is CloudSpend
Public cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers tremendous opportunity to not only innovate but also reduce the total cost of ownership associated with running on-site data centers. Yet, understanding how and where you are accruing costs, identifying cost drivers or keeping costs down can become difficult once you start to scale. To overcome these challenges we build a new product: Site24x7 CloudSpend.
CloudSpend is a SaaS-based cloud cost management software, built from the ground up by Zoho to help businesses like yours gain precise insight into their cloud costs
Supported cloud platforms

Amazon Web Services
Business units
Business units provide a method to allocate AWS cloud costs to one or more entities, thus helping you understand costs by different teams, projects, departments or customers. The allocation is driven by linked accounts and tags (user-defined and AWS generated tags). Users can create multiple business spanning different AWS accounts with ease. Learn more.
Simplified budget creation lets you prevent cost overruns. Create a recurring monthly, quarterly or yearly budget that tracks spending and notifies your team when actual spend exceeds the budgeted amount. Users can associate budgets to AWS accounts, business units or tagged resources.
Scheduled dashboards
Create a schedule that delivers dashboards views to your inbox to stay on top of your AWS spend. You can set up a monthly, quarterly or weekly schedule. Learn more.
Out-of-the box views
To help you get started immediately Site24x7 CloudSpend provides a set of default chart widgets:
- Accounts Split up: AWS Organizations allow you to consolidate billing across multiple AWS accounts. View a combined view of charges incurred by all accounts in a pie chart to gain a better understanding of spending.
- Trend: View all running costs over the past 6 months along with current month-to-date costs for all AWS services in a stacked bar chart
- Cost by service: View costs associated with the top 3 cost accruing AWS services in a tabular view.
- Cost by Region: AWS offers 20 geographic areas for you to host your resources. View costs grouped by region to identify your top cost accruing regions
- Cost by Instance type: AWS provides a wide variety of instance types for compute and database services. View costs grouped by instance type in a tabular view to identify how much each instance type is contributing to your overall AWS spend. For example, you can view costs for c5.large on-demand instances.
- Cost by data transfer: Data transfer costs refer to the costs associated with transferring data between AWS services and the public internet and within AWS services. View charges broken down by dimensions intra region, inter region outbound, AWS outbound and more to understand your AWS data transfer costs.
- Cost by component: View the distribution of costs by the type of charge covered—Credit, Discounted Usage, Fee, Refund, RIFee, Tax and Usage (on-demand instance rates)
- Cost by resource: See monthly running or estimated charges for each configured AWS resource.