Help License Details

Licensing Details

Configure the billing for your CloudSpend account in a variety of ways to meet different needs. This section elaborates on the core concepts of the pricing and licensing models adopted for CloudSpend, and helps you to plan with your cloud cost in mind.

The CloudSpend pricing model is elaborated here.

We offer a pay-as-you-go licensing model with added advantages like:

  • No commitments
  • Competitive pricing
  • Cancel anytime

How to upgrade a CloudSpend account?

The CloudSpend account can be upgraded from free to paid, either by adding a credit card or by adding Purchase Order (PO) credits.

What is a freemium CloudSpend account?

When the cumulative AWS bill is below $3,000/month, you have a freemium CloudSpend account to use. In a freemium account, your AWS bills will be synchronized with CloudSpend. You can gain a high-level insight of your cloud spending using spend analysis, and segment your costs according to resources using Resource Explorer. However, to avail all the benefits of our product, like setting up Business Units, Budgets or schedule reports, you need to upgrade your account.

What is a free CloudSpend account?

On few scenarios related to non-payment of CloudSpend bills, we can proceed to suspend your CloudSpend account to a free account. In such cases, you can view your previous AWS bills that have been parsed until the date, but the future AWS bills will not be synchronized until the payment is completed.

What is a downgraded account?

When a paid CloudSpend account is downgraded to a free account, future AWS bills will not be synchronized. Plus, if the downgraded account has no activity for 30 days, the account billing data alone will be removed. Nevertheless, the configuration details like billing configuration, reports, budgets, or any cost analytics performed previously will be available for reference.

How many months of historical AWS bills can be viewed?

As an evaluation user, while using your first CloudSpend account, you can view the cost analytics for the last 3 months. When you add more CloudSpend accounts, or by contacting the support team (, we can re-parse your AWS bills for the same account, and get the cost deltas for any number of months.

If you are a paid user, we start the historical bill processing from the report date you mention. When the bill processing date isn't provided, we process all the previous AWS bills that are available in your AWS account.

The user has an evaluation account for 30 days, e.g., from March 15 to April 15. When will the billing begin?

The CloudSpend reports would be chargeable from the next month after the expiry of the evaluation period. The billing in such a case will be by negating the March and April months and will be delivered in the next month i.e. from May. The April month bill will be processed and charged in May.

What happens if a user doesn't pay after the evaluation period?

In such a scenario, the user resources will be suspended and your account will be a free account. Your AWS bills will not be synchronized.

How are payments processed if payment is with credit card?

The monthly CloudSpend charges will be directly deducted from your credit card, thereby ensuring reliable, hassle-free payment processing every month.

What are PO credits and how are they used?

Purchase Order (PO) credits can be used to pay your CloudSpend bills by adding credits to your CloudSpend account. The following are a few scenarios that may arise while using PO credits:

(1) If there is a credit balance in your account that is greater than 0 and is less than the previous charge.

We consider this to be an “insufficient credits” balance in your CloudSpend account.

For example, consider a credits balance in your account amounting to $30. If you were previously charged $50, we would recommend you that add credits to your CloudSpend account since we consider it to be insufficient for paying that $50 charge in full.

(2) If your account has a negative credit balance but previously you had been charged, and if the negative balance is 6x more than your previous charge.

Unfortunately, we will be downgrading your CloudSpend account.

(3) If there is no credit balance in your account, previously you had been charged, and the absolute value of your balance credit is greater than the previous charge.

Considering that you were previously charged and your credit balance is in negative, we will recommend that you add more credits.

What happens when a user hasn't paid for 2 months after the evaluation period, but pays in the third month? How are the charges incurred?

The billing will include the 2 months as well. For example, considering a user starts the evaluation period in January, but upgrades the account in April. Then charges will accrue from February to April, and the bill will be delivered on May 15th.

How is charging done for Site24x7 Business Units (BU) customers?

For a business unit, the billing will be collectively delivered for the aggregate CloudSpend accounts.

What happens in an overwrite scenario?

Consider you were initially billed for $4,500. In case you feel that this information is incorrect, we can re-parse the AWS bill for you. After reprocessing, say you had to pay $5,000 in total and not $4,500. Then an additional $500 needs to be deducted from your account. Now, we will be charging you for the additional $500, based on the appropriate pricing tier (0.8 percent in this case).

How will upfront charges be billed in a month at CloudSpend?

We do not consider any upfront charges in the monthly bill. Consider, for a month you purchase a reserved instance for three years with an upfront payment of $7000, but the monthly bill is $50000, then we will exclude $7000 and charge only for $43000.

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Help License Details