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Amazon ElastiCache Monitoring Integration

Amazon ElastiCache is an in-memory data store in the cloud that speeds up queries and helps in improving latency and throughput of your application. With Site24x7's CloudWatch integration you can visualize, monitor and get alerted on important metrics for both the Redis and Memcached engine.

Setup and configuration

  • If you haven't done already, enable access to your AWS resources either by creating Site24x7 as an IAM user or by creating a cross account IAM role between your AWS account and Site24x7's AWS account. Learn more.
  • In the Integrate AWS Account page, make sure the check box next to the ElastiCache listing is selected. Learn more.

Policies and permissions

The following permissions are required by Site24x7 to discover your configured Redis/Memcached nodes and Memcached clusters and to collect configuration information.

  • "elasticache:DescribeCacheClusters",
  • "elasticache:DescribeCacheSubnetGroups",
  • "elasticache:ListTagsForResource",
  • "elasticache:DescribeServiceUpdates",
  • "elasticache:DescribeReplicationGroups"
  • "elasticache:DescribeCacheClusters",
  • "elasticache:DescribeCacheSubnetGroups",
  • "elasticache:ListTagsForResource",
  • "elasticache:DescribeServiceUpdates"
  • "elasticache:DescribeCacheClusters",
  • "elasticache:DescribeCacheSubnetGroups",
  • "elasticache:ListTagsForResource",
  • "elasticache:DescribeServiceUpdates"

Polling Frequency

Site24x7 queries AWS to collect AWS ElastiCache performance metrics according to the configured polling frequency. The polling interval is one hour by default. Learn more

IT Automations

You can add automations for the AWS services supported by Site24x7. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > IT Automation Templates (+) > Add Automation Templates. Once automations are added, you can schedule them to be executed one after the other.

You can now reboot ElastiCache clusters using Amazon ElastiCache automations.

Supported performance counters

Host-level data

The following host-level data is collected:

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
CPU utilization Measures the CPU utilization of the host. Average, minimum and maximum Percent
Freeable memory Measures the amount of available free memory in the host. Average, minimum and maximum Bytes
Network bytes in Measures the number of bytes the host has read from the network. Average, minimum and maximum Bytes
Network bytes out Measures the number of bytes the host has written to the network. Average, minimum and maximum Bytes
Swap usage Measures the swap used by the host. Average, minimum and maximum Bytes

Common cache metrics

The following data is supported for both Redis and Memcached

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
CurrConnections The number of application clients connected to Redis/Memcached.   Average, sum Count
CurrItems The number of keys in the in-memory database.  Average,sum Count
Evictions The number of keys that have been removed due to reaching the maxmemory limit. Average,sum Count
NewConnections the total number of connections that has been accepted by the database server.  Average,sum Count

Metrics supported for the Redis cache engine

The following data is collected only for the Redis node:

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
ActiveDefragHits The number of value reallocations per minute performed by the active defragmentation process. Average Count
AuthenticationFailures The total number of failed attempts to Redis authentication using the AUTH command. Maximum Count
BytesReadFromDisk The total number of bytes read from disk per minute. Sum MB
BytesUsedForCache The number of bytes allocated by Redis.  Average Bytes
BytesWrittenToDisk The total number of bytes written to disk per minute.  Sum MB
CacheHits Number of successful keyspace lookups.  Sum Count
CacheMisses Number of unsuccesful keyspace lookups. Sum Count
CacheHitRate Indicates the usage efficiency of the Redis instance. Average Percent
CommandAuthorizationFailures The total number of failed attempts by users to run commands they don’t have permission to call. Maximum Count
CurrVolatileItems The total number of keys in all databases that have a Time To Live (TTL) set. Maximum Count
DatabaseMemoryUsagePercentage Percentage of the memory available for the cluster that is in use.  Maximum Percent
DatabaseMemoryUsageCountedForEvictPercentage Percentage of the memory available for the cluster that is in use, excluding the memory used for overhead and Client Output Buffer (COB). Maximum Percent
DB0AverageTTL Exposes avg_ttl of DBO from the key space statistic. Average Ms
EngineCPUUtilization Provides the CPU utilization of the Redis engine thread. Maximum Percent
GetTypeCmds The total number of Get types of commands. Sum Count
GlobalDatastoreReplicationLag The lag between the secondary region's primary node and the primary region's primary node. Average Seconds
HashBasedCmds The total number of commands that are hash-based.  Sum Count
HyperLogLogBasedCmds The total number of HyperLogLog based commands.  Sum Count
KeyAuthorizationFailures The total number of failed attempts by users to access keys, they don’t have permission to access.  Maximum Count
KeyBasedCmds The total number of commands that are key-based. Sum Count
KeysTracked The number of keys being tracked by Redis key tracking as a percentage of tracking-table-max-keys. Maximum Count
ListBasedCmds The total number of commands that are list-based.  Sum Count
MemoryFragmentationRatio Indicates the efficiency in the allocation of memory of the Redis engine. Minimum Count
NumItemsReadFromDisk The total number of items retrieved from disk per minute.  Sum Count
NumItemsWrittenToDisk The total number of items written to disk per minute. Sum Count
Reclaimed The total numebr of key expiration events.  Sum  Count
ReplicationBytes Total number of bytes the primaru node is sending to all replicas.  Sum Count
ReplicationLag In seconds, how far behind the read replica is in applying changes from the primary node. Average Seconds
SaveInProgress The metric is incremented whenever a bacground save is in progress. Sum Count
SetBasedCmds Total number of commands that are set-based. Sum Count
SetTypeCmds Total number of set types of commands. Sum Count
SortedSetBasedCmds The total number of commands that are sorted set-based. Sum Count
StringBasedCmds Total number of commads that are string-based Sum  Count


Metrics supported for the Memcached engine

Sit24x7 collects the following performance data for your Memcached nodes and aggregates the values across your nodes and provides calculated metrics for your Memcached clusters.

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
BytesReadIntoMemcached The total number of bytes that have been read by the node from the network. Average Bytes
BytesUsedForCacheItems The total number of bytes used to store cache items. Average  Bytes 
BytesWrittenOutFromMemcached The total number of bytes that have written by the node to the network.  Average  Bytes
CasBadval The total number of check and set requests received by the cache where Cas value did not match. Sum  Count 
CasHits The total number of check and set requests received by the cache where key and value both matched. Sum  Count 
CasMisses The total number of check and set request received by the cache where key was not found.  Sum  Count 
CmdFlush Number of Flush commands received.  Sum  Count 
CmdGet Number of Get commands received.  Sum  Count 
CmdSet Number of Set commands received. Sum  Count 
DecrHits The number of decrement requests received by the cache where the key matched.  Sum  Count 
DecrMisses The number of decrement requests received by the cache where the key was not found. Sum  Count 
DeleteHits The number of delete requests received by the cache where the key matched.   Sum  Count 
DeleteMisses The number of delete requests received by the cache where the key was not found. Sum  Count 
GetHits The number of Get requests received by the cache where the request key was found.  Sum Count 
GetMisses The number of Get requests received by the cache where the key was not found.  Sum  Count 
IncrHits The number of increment requests received by the cache where the key was found.   Sum  Count 
IncrMisses The number of increment requests received by the cache where the key was not found   Sum  Count 
Reclaimed The number of expired items the cache evicted to aide new writes. Sum  Count 

Add or edit a threshold profile for ElastiCache

Site24x7 support individual threshold profiles for your Memcached cluster, Memcached node and Redis node. To learn more on how you can create, edit and delete a threshold profile for your ElastiCache deployment, visit our configuration profiles page.


Estimate future values of the following Amazon ElastiCache Memcached Nodes, Memcached Clusters, and Elasticache Redis performance metrics and make informed decisions about adding capacity or scaling your AWS infrastructure.

  • CPU Utilization
  • Evictions
  • Reclaimed
  • Connections
  • CurrConnections
  • Swap Usage
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