Amazon Elastic Container Service Monitoring Integration

Amazon Elastic Container Service lets you run Dockerized applications on a managed clusters of EC2 instances with ease. With Site24x7's integration, you can now monitor utilization stats at both the cluster-level and service-level for both the EC2-launch type and Fargate-launch type.


  • For EC2 launch type, please make sure the Amazon ECS container instances are running the container agent version 1.4.0 or higher. Also, ensure the IAM role assigned to the container instances during launch has the permission ecs:StartTelemetrySession.
  • For Fargate launch type, the CloudWatch CPU and memory utilization metrics are collected automatically.


  • If you haven't done it already, please provide Site24x7 access to your AWS account by either creating an IAM User or IAM Role. Learn more
  • On the Integrate AWS Account page, please make sure the ECS Cluster checkbox is selected in the Services to be discovered field. Learn more.


Please make sure the following read-level actions are present in the IAM policy assigned to the IAM User or IAM Role created for Site24x7. Learn more.

  • "ecs:ListServices",
  • "ecs:ListAccountSettings",
  • "ecs:ListTagsForResource",
  • "ecs:DescribeServices",
  • "ecs:ListContainerInstances",
  • "ecs:DescribeContainerInstances",
  • "ecs:DescribeClusters",
  • "ecs:ListClusters",
  • "ecs:ListTasks",
  • "ecs:DescribeTasks"

Poll frequency

Aggregated ECS metric data is collected as per the poll frequency set (1 minute to a day). Learn more.


  • Each ECS cluster is considered a basic monitor.
  • Each ECS service running in your cluster is considered a basic monitor.

Supported metrics


The following metrics are collected across the cluster:

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
CPU reservation Measures the percentage of CPU units that are reserved by running tasks in the cluster. Average Percent
Cluster CPU utilization Measures the percentage of CPU units that is used in the cluster. Average Percent
Memory Reservation Measures the percentage of memory that is reserved for running task in cluster. Average Percent
Cluster Memory utilization Measures the percentage of memory that is used in the cluster. Average Percent
Active Services Measures the number of active services running in the cluster.  Sum count
Pending task Measures the number of tasks that are in PENDING state.  Sum  count
Running task Measures the number of tasks that are in RUNNING state. Sum  count
Container instances Measures the number of containers instances registered to the cluster. Sum  count


The following metrics are collected on a service-level:

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
Service CPU utilization Measures the percentage of CPU units used in the service Average Percent
Service memory utilization Measures the percentage of memory used in the service. Average Percent
Pending tasks Measures the number of tasks in the service that are in the PENDING state. Sum count
Running tasks Measures the number of tasks in the service that are in the RUNNING state. Sum count

Container instance 

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
EC2 pending tasks Measures the number of tasks in PENDING state per container instance. Sum Count
EC2 running tasks Measures the number of tasks in RUNNING task per container instance. Sum Count
CPU available Measures the number of CPU units available per container instance. Average Units
Memory available Measures the number of memory units remaining on the container instance. Average MiB

Container insights

AttributeDescriptionStatisticsData type
CPU Utilized The CPU units used by tasks in a cluster. Average Percentage
CPU Reserved The CPU units reserved by tasks in a cluster. Average Units
Memory Utilized The memory being used by tasks in a cluster. Average Percentage
Memory Reserved The memory reserved by tasks in a cluster. Average MB
Network Recieve Bytes The number of bytes received by the resource in a cluster. Sum MB
Network Transmit Bytes The number of bytes transmitted by the resource in a cluster. Sum MB
Storage Read Bytes The number of bytes read from storage in a cluster. Sum MB
Storage Write Bytes The number of bytes written to storage in a cluster. Sum MB
Container Instance Count The number of EC2 instances running on an Amazon ECS agent that is registered with a cluster. Maximum Count
Deployment Count The number of deployments in the cluster. Maximum Count
Desired Task Count The desired number of tasks in the cluster. Maximum Count
Pending Task Count The number of tasks currently in the PENDING state. Maximum Count
Running Task Count The number of tasks currently in the RUNNING state. Maximum Count
Task Set Count The number of task sets in the service. Maximum Count


Tasks Failed Reports if the tasks stop or fail to start due to an error.

To view data

  • Sign in to the Site24x7 console. Click on AWS. Choose the monitored AWS account.
  • Choose ECS Cluster (or) ECS Cluster Service from the menu dropdown.
  • From the list of monitored Clusters or Services, choose the ECS resource for which you want to view metrics for.


This task details provides the following information about the task's state and configuration.

Task ID The unique ID for the task. 
Task Definition The full task definition description. 
Cluster Name The short name of the cluster.
Launch type The launch type on which you task is running. Valid values are EC2 and Fargate.
Desired Status Displays the desired status of the task.
Last Status Shows the last know status of the task.
CPU Shows the number of CPU units used by the task. 
Memory Displays the amount of memory used by the task. 
Started by Shows the tag specified when a task is started. 
Version The version counter for the task.
Created at Shows the time stamp for when the task was created. 
Stopped at Shows the time stamp for when the task was stopped. 
Task Duration Displays the time difference between when the task was created and when the task was stopped.
Stopped Reason Shows the time duration between when a task transitioned from the RUNNING 
Connectivity Displays the connectivity status of the task. 
Connectivity at Shows the time stamp for when the task went to CONNECTED state. 
Execution stopped at Shows the time stamp for when execution stopped. 
Group The name of the task group associated with your task. 
Platform version The platform version on which your task is running. 


Estimate future values of the following Amazon ECS Cluster Service performance metrics and make informed decisions about adding capacity or scaling your AWS infrastructure.

  • Service CPU utilization
  • Service Memory utilization
  • Running Tasks

Similarly, you can also view the forecast for the following metrics of Amazon ECS Cluster:

  • CPU Reservation
  • Cluster CPU Utilization
  • Memory Reservation
  • Cluster Memory Utilization
  • Container Instances
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