Install the APM Insight .NET agent on Docker Containers
Installing the .NET agent in a Docker container is the same as installing the standard .NET agent in Windows. You need to configure the DockerFile to perform the installation.
- Install the .NET agent on a Windows Docker container
- Install the .NET Core agent on a Windows Docker container
- Install the .NET Core agent on a Linux Docker container
Install the .NET agent on a Windows Docker container
Below is an example of configuring the .NET agent on a Windows Docker container.
# Publish your application
COPY your app to be published /inetpub/wwwroot
# Download the APM Insight .NET agent installer
RUN [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;\
Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "apminsight-dotnetagent.msi"
# Install the APM Insight .NET agent
RUN Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, "apminsight-dotnetagent.msi", /qn, editconfig=false, useappfilters=false, license.key=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
# Remove the APM Insight .NET agent installer
RUN Remove-Item "apminsight-dotnetagent.msi"
# Set your application name
# Publish your application
COPY your app to be published /inetpub/wwwroot
# Download the APM Insight .NET agent installer
RUN [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;\
Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "apminsight-dotnetagent.msi"
# Install the APM Insight .NET agent
RUN Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, "apminsight-dotnetagent.msi", /qn, editconfig=false, useappfilters=false, license.key=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
# Remove the APM Insight .NET agent installer
RUN Remove-Item "apminsight-dotnetagent.msi"
# Set your application name
Install the .NET Core agent on a Windows Docker container
Below you'll find an example of configuring the .NET Core agent on a Windows Docker container.
# Publish your application
COPY your app to be published /app
# Download the APM Insight .NET core agent zip
RUN powershell.exe [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;\
Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile ""
# Extract APM Insight .NET core agent zip
RUN powershell.exe Expand-Archive -LiteralPath '' -DestinationPath apminsight-dotnetcoreagent
# Install the APM Insight .NET core agent
RUN powershell.exe ".\apminsight-dotnetcoreagent\dotnet_core\InstallAgent.ps1" -Destination ".\site24x7" -InstallType global -LicenseKey YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
# Remove the APM Insight .NET agent installer zip
RUN powershell.exe Remove-Item ""
# Remove the APM Insight .NET agent installer
RUN powershell.exe Remove-Item "apminsight-dotnetcoreagent" -Recurse -Force
# Set your application name
# Windows or Servercore images may not include .NET Core SDK or runtime
RUN dotnet sdk/runtime installer
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", ".\\YOUR_APP_NAME.dll"]
# Publish your application
COPY your app to be published /app
# Download the APM Insight .NET core agent zip
RUN powershell.exe [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;\
Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile ""
# Extract APM Insight .NET core agent zip
RUN powershell.exe Expand-Archive -LiteralPath '' -DestinationPath apminsight-dotnetcoreagent
# Install the APM Insight .NET core agent
RUN powershell.exe ".\apminsight-dotnetcoreagent\dotnet_core\InstallAgent.ps1" -Destination ".\site24x7" -InstallType global -LicenseKey YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
# Remove the APM Insight .NET agent installer zip
RUN powershell.exe Remove-Item ""
# Remove the APM Insight .NET agent installer
RUN powershell.exe Remove-Item "apminsight-dotnetcoreagent" -Recurse -Force
# Set your application name
# Windows or Servercore images may not include .NET Core SDK or runtime
RUN dotnet sdk/runtime installer
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", ".\\YOUR_APP_NAME.dll"]
Install the .NET Core agent on a Linux Docker container
Get information on configuring the .NET Core agent on a Linux Docker container.