List of supported components in APM Insight .NET agent

The following list of components are supported in APM Insight .NET agent.

Internal Components:

  • ASPX (Active Server Page Extended)
  • MVC (Model - View - Controller)
External Components:

Web Service Calls

  • ASMX (Active Server Method Extended)
  • WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)
  • Web API (Web Application Programming Interface)

Database Calls

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • SQL Server CE 
  • Postgre SQL
  • Enterprise Library
  • OLE DB
  • Oracle
  • MySQL

Mem Cache and No SQL

  • Redis (Service Stack and Stack Exchange Provider)
  • Cassandra


  • Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)


  • OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET)
  • Web Requests


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