Compare Reports
Analyze your reports with insightful data by comparing the application's performance over a specific time period. Comparing Reports enables you to identify redundant errors and remove potential bottlenecks.
To Compare Reports:
- Click on APM > APM Insight Dashboard
- Choose the Application / Instance > Click on Time period Drop down > Choose Custom Date
- Enter the respective date and Time period. Check on " Compare To " option and enter the date against which data has to be compared. Click Apply
- Click on the graph to inspect further about the respective metrics

- The Overview tab provides a comprehensive outlook on metrics that are being compared, namely, Apdex Score, Average Response Time, Throughput, App Server Split Up, Exception Split Up and HTTP Error Split Up.
- Click on the individual graphical plots or bar graphs to find out more about the respective metrics

Web Transaction:
- This tab lists out all transactions for the chosen dates in the respective time period
- Individual transaction details can be viewed by clicking upon the respective transactions

- This tab lists out database operations for the chosen dates in the respective time period
- Click on the respective Database operation to view detailed information about it

- This tab lists out background transactions for the chosen dates in the respective time period
- Details on individual transactions can be viewed by clicking upon the respective transactions

- The exceptions tab lists out the Top exceptions, Error Codes, Transaction Split up by Error codes and Exceptions
- Transaction Split ups are represented by graphical bar codes
- Click on the respective exception to view detailed information about it