Integrate with ServiceNow IT Service Management Platform

ServiceNow is an IT Service Management software as a solution offering from the cloud. It helps you reduce incident resolution times, improve customer satisfaction, and mitigate human errors by enabling you to hook your alerts with the ServiceNow platform. By tightly integrating Site24x7 with Service Now ITSM platform, you'll be able to:

Site24x7-ServiceNow Integration for Monitoring Servers and Applications

The Site24x7-ServiceNow integration focuses on understanding the performance of servers and providing automation capabilities, thereby accelerating ticket resolution time.

Site24x7-ServiceNow Integration for Managing Tickets


  • Automatic incident creation based on a new alert triggered in Site24x7.
  • Automatic incident update with changes to alert severity level in Site24x7 .
  • Incidents resolve or close automatically when alert clears in Site24x7.


  • You must have a pre-configured ServiceNow ITSM Account with sufficient user privileges to create this integration. 
  • You must be a Site24x7 customer to utilize this integration. You must additionally have a Super Admin or Admin privilege.
  • Compatible with all versions from the Geneva version.
  • You must generate an Instance URL and login credentials after requesting an Instance on your ServiceNow build. Copy and retain the Instance URL and login credentials to successfully integrate with Site24x7. Learn more about ServiceNow Instance creation.
  • You must install the Event Managment plugin in ServiceNow to receive alerts as Events in ServiceNow.

Creating an Instance in ServiceNow

To create an instance in ServiceNow, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Developer Portal of ServiceNow account. 
  2. Once logged in, click Request Instance button.
  3. In the Request an Instance pop-up that opens, choose the release of your preference and click Request Instance.
  4. Once your ServiceNow instance is created, you'll be provided with a unique Instance URL and the credentials to access the instance. You must copy and retain the Instance URL and Instance Login credentials for the integration.
  5. You can access the Instance URL to view the Service Management portal. In the Service Management portal, you can quickly construct your requests to access the ServiceNow inbound REST API. You can use this data to build REST requests for integrations. Additionally, you can use the Table information from your instance to provide a list of endpoints, methods, and variables.
  6. The Table API Allows you to perform CRUD operations on existing tables so you can generate custom parameters using the Request Body builder.

Integration Procedure

To connect your Site24x7 account to ServiceNow, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Site24x7.
  2. Navigate to Admin > Third-Party Integration.
  3. Choose ServiceNow from the list of integrations.
  4. You're redirected to the ServiceNow Integration page. Update the integration form as follows:
    • Integration name: Provide a name for your ServiceNow Integration  
    • Sender Name: Specify the User ID or User Name from the ServiceNow portal.
    • Receive Alerts As: Choose the format in which you'd wish to receive alerts in ServiceNow. You can opt to receive as Incidents or as Events.
    • Instance URL: Specify the Instance URL used to access the ServiceNow IT Service Management portal (eg: Learn how to generate your Instance URL.
    • Message titleUse the "$ tags" to customize the message title of your Site24x7 notification message. Learn more about incident parameters.
    • Send Custom Parameters: Write specific code to pass parameters in the format Param name=value pair for your HTTP CRUD methods. If you want to pass multiple key-value pairs, you must specify each pair one-per-line. You cannot pass the parameters in JSON format. Learn how to generate your custom parameters in ServiceNow.
    • User Name: Provide the user name to access your ServiceNow instance.
    • Password: Provide the password to access your ServiceNow instance.
      Learn how to obtain the User Name and Password for your ServiceNow Instance.
    • Integration level: You can post alerts as ServiceNow incidents from specific monitors, all monitors/monitor groups associated to selected tags or all monitors in your account.It is set to "All Monitors", by default. Hence, it translates into a Global Integration where all alarms from your Site24x7 account are pushed to ServiceNow.
      : For tags associated to your monitor group that have monitors in parent level and a few monitors in sub group level, alerts from only the parent monitors get logged in as ServiceNow incidents.
    • Tags to Be Sent With Alerts: Select the tag keys associated with the monitor that need to be sent with the alert. When an alert is triggered, tags that match with the monitor will be included in the alert notifications. If no tags are selected, all the tags associated with the monitor will be present in the alert notifications.
    • Trigger Alerts for Monitor Status Changes:Use the check boxes to choose the monitor status changes (Down, Trouble, and Critical) for which you'd wish to receive alerts.
    • Remotely Manage Incident in ServiceNow When My Monitor Status Changes to UP: Specify any one action among "No Action, Resolve Incident, Close Incident" to remotely manage incidents in ServiceNow.
      • No Action: The incident will remain open, until you manually resolve or close it.
      • Resolve Incident: The incident will be resolved automatically when the monitor turns UP.
      • Close Incident: The incident will be closed automatically when the monitor turns UP.
      • Custom Status: The incident status will be updated to the custom state of your preference when the monitor is UP. You can also use Global Parameters (using $).
  5. Click the Save and Test button to save the integration and to receive a test alert. Or, you can click the Save button to finish the integration.

Handle Incidents in ServiceNow IT Service Management Platform

Once you've integrated your Site24x7 account with ServiceNow's ITSM Platform, you'll be able to view all your incident tickets in a single dashboard inside the ServiceNow portal. By using the Filter Navigator icon on the left side panel of your ServiceNow portal, you can access the following views:

  • Incident - All: View all the logged incidents in a single dashboard view.
  • Incident - Open: View all the Open incidents in a single dashboard view.
  • Incident - Resolved: View all the resolved incidents in a single dashboard view.
  • Change - Closed: View all the closed incidents in a single dashboard view.
Fig. 1: Incident View in ServiceNow Service Management Portal
Site24x7 Alert Status ServiceNow Incident Status

Alert creates incident in ServiceNow portal


Alert creates incident in ServiceNow portal. This depends 
on the configuration setting, though.

Trouble monitor
turns Down

Trouble alert creates incident in ServiceNow portal.
If the same monitor turns down; no new incident will
be created separately for the down status–instead
a comment will be added on the same incident.

monitor turns UP

Incident is automatically resolved/closed inside the
ServiceNow portal. This depends on the
configuration setting, though.

monitor is suspended

Incident remains open inside ServiceNow portal, until the
suspended state of the monitor is revoked. 

Fig. 2: Incident Status - Fresh incident logged when monitor is down

During a Site24x7 monitor outage, an incident is logged in ServiceNow portal, where details like Display Name, Monitor Type, Site Monitored, Monitor Status, Outage Status Since, Failed Locations, Reason, and the Dashboard link are provided in the description card.

Fig. 3: Incident Status - Incident log when the monitor's status changes from Trouble > Down > Closed

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