Help Admin Third Party Integration ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Cloud

Ticketing Integration with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Cloud

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus (SDP) Cloud is an online help desk software built on the ITIL framework with integrated asset management capability. With a simple API level integration, you can tightly integrate Site24x7 with SDP Cloud. Based on your preset configuration, any down/trouble alerts from Site24x7 are converted into tickets in SDP Cloud portal. Finally, when the incidents are resolved in Site24x7, the tickets are automatically closed in your SDP Cloud portal. You can further track and manage IT tickets efficiently by designating them to technicians, resolve issues much faster–thus, increasing the productivity of your IT staff, and ensure end user satisfaction. Read more to know how your IT teams can leverage Site24x7's SDP Cloud integration to offer a world class IT support.



  • Site24x7 and ManageEngine SDP Cloud are brands under Zoho and use Zoho Single Sign On for accessing accounts.
  • If you're the Zoho Organization Admin for your Site24x7 account with no pre-configured SDP Cloud account, a trial  account will be created automatically and then you'll have to navigate to SDP Cloud account to configure the settings.

    You must either have a Super Admin or an Admin role in your Zoho Organization account inorder to setup this integration.
  • Additionally, you must also have a technician role in your SDP Cloud account to successfully enable integration with Site24x7.
    Within the SDP Cloud portal, you can assign tickets to other technicians. To achieve this, it is important to add these technicians to your SDP Cloud account and provide them with sufficient privileges. Learn how to add a technician in your SDP Cloud account.

ServiceDesk Plus Cloud CMDB Integration:

Site24x7 now supports CMDB (Configuration Management Database) Integration with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud. If you enable this integration,  

  • Site24x7 Inventory details will be synced automatically with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud's CMDB.
  • Configuration changes detected by Site24x7 will be synced to the Configuration Items added in ServiceDesk Plus Cloud.

CMDB Dashboard

Details View

Integration Procedures

To connect your Site24x7 account to SDP Cloud, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Site24x7.
  2. Navigate to Admin > Third Party Integration.
  3. Choose ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Cloud from the list of integrations.
  4. You're redirected to the SDP Cloud Integration page. Update the integration form as follows:
    • Request Subject: Use the "$ tags" to customize the subject line of your alert ticket. Use Incident and Custom Parameters to customize the subject.
    • SDP Cloud Portals: Provide the portal name in this field. If you wish to change the portal name you'll have to delete the integration and create a new one.
    • Template Name: In ServiceDesk Plus Cloud, there are predefined incident formats called as Templates. You can provide the Template Name from ServiceDesk Plus Cloud in this field. If not, the default name, Default Request, will be used as the Template Name.
      To obtain the Template Name, log in to your ServiceDesk Plus Cloud account and navigate to New Request > Service Catalog > Incident Templates
    • Request Creation Mode: Click the manual or automatic radio button to invoke the desired mode of ticket creation in your SDP Cloud portal.
      In the automatic mode, down/trouble alerts from Site24x7 automatically log tickets in your SDP Cloud portal. Detailed description about your monitor's downtime is also documented on the ticket. When the incidents are resolved in Site24x7, the tickets are closed automatically. Alternately, by initiating a "close request", you can remotely close the ticket from within your Site24x7 control panel.

      In the manual mode, the operator must access the (Create Request) link provided under the Overall status widget in the Monitor Summary Dashboard or the RCA page, and then submit the "Create Request" to manually generate a ticket in your SDP Cloud portal. Detailed description about your monitor's downtime is also documented on the ticket. By submitting a "close request", you can remotely close the ticket from within your Site24x7 control panel.
    • Select Integration Level: You can post alerts to SDP Cloud from specific monitors, all monitors/monitor groups associated to selected tags or all monitors in your account. It is set to "All Monitors", by default. Hence, it translates into a Global Integration where all alarms from your Site24x7 account are pushed to SDP Cloud.
      For tags associated to your monitor group that have monitors in parent level and a few monitors in sub group level, alerts from only the parent monitors get logged as tickets in SDP Cloud.
    • Trigger Alerts for Monitor Status Change: Use the check boxes to choose the monitor status changes (Down, Trouble, and Critical) for which you'd wish to receive alerts.
    • Manually Close Incidents When My Monitor Status Changes to Up: Use the radio button to decide whether to close incidents manually or automatically in SDP Cloud, when the Site24x7 monitor alert changes to "Up". By default, the incidents are resolved automatically in SDP Cloud.
    • Enable CMDB integrationCMDB Integration with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud can be enabled by using the toggle button near Enable CMDB Integration option.
    • Click the Save and Test button to save the integration and to receive a test alert. Or, you can click the Save button to finish the integration.
      Once the integration is completed, you can track the status of any new or existing tickets on the SDP Cloud portal.

Remotely Manage Tickets in Site24x7

Based on your chosen request creation mode, Site24x7 lets you to remotely create and close tickets, without you even having to access the SDP Cloud portal.

Automatic Mode: Site24x7 down/trouble alerts cause automatic ticket creation in the SDP Cloud portal. The tickets are automatically closed in the SDP Cloud portal when the incidents are resolved in Site24x7. Nevertheless, tickets can also be remotely closed from the Site24x7 control panel itself. Follow the steps below:

  • Login to Site24x7.
  • Open the Monitor Summary Dashboard for your Down/Trouble monitor.
  • Access the "Create Request in SDP Cloud" link listed under the overall status widget.

    Top Band

  • You can also access the same link from your RCA page.


  • A "Create Request" window will pop up with the subject line of the ticket and a "Close Request" button
  • Submit "Close Request" button to remotely close the ticket in your SDP Cloud portal.

  • Once the request is initiated, a "Request Details" window will pop up on your screen giving you details like; Ticket ID, Subject line, Technician Name and Status of the ticket.


Manual Mode: You can remotely log your down/trouble tickets in the SDP Cloud portal; further, close these tickets remotely from the Site24x7 control panel itself. Follow the steps below:

  • Login to Site24x7.
  • Open the Monitor Summary Dashboard for your Down/Trouble monitor.
  • Access the "Create Request in SDP Cloud" link listed under the overall status widget. You can also access the same link from your RCA page.
  • A "Create Request" window will pop up with the subject line of the ticket and a "Create Request" button.
  • Click the "Create Request" button to remotely initiate the ticket creation in SDP Cloud portal.

  • Once the request is completed, a "Request Details" window will pop up giving you details of the ticket, including Ticket ID, Subject line, Technician Name and Status of the ticket.
  • Later, you can access the same link "Create Request in SDP Cloud" and submit "Close Request" button to remotely close the ticket listed in your SDP Cloud portal.

View Tickets in SDP Cloud Portal

Once you've integrated your Site24x7 account with SDP Cloud, you'll be able to view all your alert tickets in a single dashboard inside the SDP Cloud Client. On top of this, any status change is documented inside the SDP client with proper description. Within the SDP Cloud portal, you can assign your tickets to a technician and execute many more operations. However, when the SDP Cloud application itself is not accessible, no down/trouble tickets would be logged in your SDP Cloud portal. Learn more

Site24x7 Alert Status SDP Cloud Status

Alert triggers ticket creation inside SDP portal. This
is controlled by the request creation mode settings.


Alert triggers ticket creation inside SDP portal. This
is controlled by the request creation mode settings.

Trouble monitor
turns Down

Trouble alert triggers ticket creation inside SDP portal.
If the same monitor turns down; no new ticket will be
created separately for the down status–instead
a comment will be added on the same ticket.

monitor turns UP

Ticket is automatically closed inside SDP portal.

monitor is suspended

Ticket remains open inside SDP portal, until the
suspended state of the monitor is revoked. 

List View

Fig.1: View Requests in SDP Cloud Portal

Ticket Details

Fig.2: Request details in SDP Cloud Portal

Auto-resolve tickets and reduce resolution time further with Site24x7 IT Automation.  
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Help Admin Third Party Integration ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Cloud