Import Monitors in Bulk
Import Monitor feature accelerates your monitor set-up process by facilitating bulk import of all your existing monitors and its configurations into Site24x7—all by simply importing multiple monitors at once via a comma-separated value (CSV) file. You can either add new monitors to your account or update your existing monitor configurations. Site24x7 lets you import the following monitor types: Website, POP Service Monitor, Web Page Anlayzer, PORT Monitor, DNS Monitor, FTP RTT Monitor, SMTP Service Monitor, FTP Service Monitor, SSL Certificate Monitor, Mail Delivery Monitor, Ping Monitor, Cron monitoring, Heartbeat check, Vcenter Monitor, VMware VM, VMware ESX/ESXi server. For REST API Monitor, you can import the monitor configurations in CSV/JSON (Swagger definition)/HAR formats. You can also export all your existing monitors and its configurations in a CSV file. You can use the same exported CSV file and import monitors to the same account or migrate it to a different Site24x7 account altogether.
Table of Contents
Import Monitors in Bulk
Bulk installation of monitors in Site24x7 via the Bulk Import task is an easy and seamless process. Let's say you want to create multiple website monitors in Site24x7 account. To achieve this via the bulk Import feature, you just have to specify the #header parameter name as Website, then provide the URLs in the subsequent rows—one after the other in the CSV file and import the file in the task engine. Overall, the steps involved in performing the import task involves three major steps: building the CSV, uploading the CSV file to Site24x7, and successfully parsing and validating the file.
Building CSV file for Import
- Relevant parameters (Mandatory and Optional) that are required for bulk import of selected monitor types are displayed at the bottom of the Import Monitors page in the web client. You're mandated to store and update the relevant parameters in a CSV file with .csv/.txt extension before uploading the same to Site24x7.
- You can download the sample CSV file for your chosen Monitor Type from the webclient and customize the downloaded template to build a CSV file.
- Prior to import of parameters (like the threshold profiles or location profiles) into Site24x7, you must make sure it's already supported in Site24x7. Additionally, the Profile titles must always follow the proper casing. Profiles like notification, location, threshold profiles and user groups are mandatory for adding a monitor, unless you decide to overwrite invalid and void parameters during configuration. While migrating monitors from one account to another, profiles in one account may not always be present in the alternate account. Hence, if the profiles and user groups mentioned in the CSV file are not available in the account, default profiles and user groups will be associated to the monitors.
- Parameters like Monitor Groups and Actions are not mandatory for Monitor creation. If the Monitor Groups and Actions mentioned in the CSV file aren't present in the account, the monitor will be added without associating to a Monitor Group or enabling any action. The parameters are ignored in this scenario.
- For CSV format, the first line should have a #Header:<space> followed by all the parameters, which are separated by a comma. From the second line onwards, you must provide the input values according to the column names in the header. Ensure the values given in the second line matches with the input parameters.
- You can add comments by including # symbol at the beginning of a line.
- Monitors are updated based on the "display_name" of the monitor.
- While using the same exported CSV for importing monitors, an Attribute's password should be replaced with the corresponding value.
- All your Server, Network, and APM monitor configurations listed in the CSV file are excluded automatically during import.
- For Mail Delivery Monitor, it's mandatory to specify the verified to_emailid for successful setup. For unverified to_emailid, the CSV file has to be reimported after a successful verification of the email address.

Uploading CSV to Site24x7
- Login to Site24x7.
- Click Admin > Inventory > Import Monitors.
- Specify the following parameters to import monitors in bulk to your account:
- Monitor Types: Specify the monitor types that you wish to import and setup in your account. You can specify multiple monitor types in a single go. You should be able to view the required, optional, and sample parameter view below the configuration page.
Importing only REST API Monitors
Import Type: When you've selected REST API Monitor as the Monitor Type, you'll additionally have an option to import the monitors via a CSV/ JSON (Swagger definition)/ HAR file. However, when the REST API Monitor is a part of your bulk selection, you'll have an option to import all monitors via Text/CSV file alone. - Action Mode: Specify the action you intend to execute with the import of monitors. Pick Add to create new monitors of the specified type. Use Update to modify an existing monitor configuration in your account.
- Overwrite invalid or void parameter entries with default parameters: By enabling this option, Site24x7 will overwrite any invalid or void parameters with a default profile or parameter value during import. If disabled, any invalid or void parameters in your TXT/CSV format file will disrupt monitor addition during the import task. Overwritable fields will be mentioned under the Parameters for bulk import section.
- File Name: Click the Browse button to select a CSV file from your local machine for upload.
Upload files in CSV format with .txt/.csv extension only. You can upload a maximum file size of 10 MB. For REST API Monitor only selection, import files in .txt/ .csv/ .json (Swagger definition)/ .har file extensions.
- Monitor Types: Specify the monitor types that you wish to import and setup in your account. You can specify multiple monitor types in a single go. You should be able to view the required, optional, and sample parameter view below the configuration page.
- Click Submit.
New monitors added via import monitors form will be listed under Monitors List View. Additionally, a new Monitor Group with the name "Imported on <date> <time>" will be created, by default. All your imported monitors will be categorized under this group in addition to the relevant group that the monitors are associated to in the CSV/ Text. This Monitor Group will help you properly manage your monitors, in case of an import failure.
Parsing, Validation, and Import Task Completion
Once you click the Submit button, a new import task is successfully initiated. During the import process, the imported CSV file is successfully parsed to validate the data. Monitors are not created during this action. You can click the Stop Import button during the file parsing to block the import process.
Once the parsing and validation steps are completed, you will be prompted with a view containing the results of the data validation. On this page, you can see a quick preview of the number of monitors that did not pass validation.
Soon after the validation is completed, the monitor creation process takes over. Monitor addition may take several minutes to complete, depending on the size of your CSV file.
You will be prompted with a task competion screen soon after the import task gets over. You'll also receive an email confirmation about the status.
You can click the Show Results link to view the task completion status with probable reasons for monitor failure. Click Show Imported Monitors to view all the monitors you've imported.
Export Monitors in Bulk
You can export all your existing Site24x7 Monitors with their configurations in a CSV flat file in .txt/.csv file format. You can use the exported CSV file to update or add monitors to the same account by importing it or migrate it to a different Site24x7 account altogether. Refer our Export Monitor feature documentation to learn more.