Help Admin Adding a monitor Adding a Network Monitor

Adding a Network Monitor

Site24x7 is a comprehensive tool that monitors network devices and interfaces. Get more information on prerequisites, system requirements, and supported devices for Site24x7's network monitoring. You can either choose to add a particular network device or a whole network for monitoring

Add a network device

Follow the steps below to add a network device for monitoring:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
  2. Go to AdminInventoryAdd Monitor
  3. In the Add Monitor page, click Add Network Device under Network.

    Add a network monitor
  4. On-Premise Poller: The first step in adding a network device is to choose an On-Premise Poller. You can choose an On-Premise Poller from the list or install a new one. Click Next.
    Network module should be enabled in the On-Premise Poller that you choose. If not, enable it.
  5. Credentials:Credentials help Site24x7 communicate via SNMP and fetch data for monitoring. Choose proper credentials according to your SNMP version or add new credentials and choose them. Click Next.
  6. Details: Enter the following details and click Next.
    • Display Name: Enter a display name to identify your device.
    • Host Name/IP Address: List your device's host name or IP address.
    • Category: Choose the device category.
    • Template Type: Choose from either default or custom templates.
    • Device Template: Choose a suitable device template from the drop-down list.
    • Tags: Associate your monitor with a predefined Tag or multiple Tags to help organize and manage your monitors creatively. 
  7. Interface filters:Create a network discovery rule(while adding a device for the first time) or choose from the existing list of network discovery rules.
    • Name: A unique name to identify the rule with.
    • Interface type: Choose the type of interfaces from the drop down list.
    • Admin state: Define the admin state of the interfaces that are to be added for monitoring.
    • Operational state: Select the operational state of the interface for it should be added for monitoring.
    • Description: Define the nature of the discovery rule.
  8. Recheck your entries and click Discover.

Add a network

Follow the steps below to add a network for monitoring:

  1. Follow the steps 1-5 above.
  2. Details: Enter the following details and click Next.
    • Discovery Mode: Add Network will automatically be selected.  
    • Discovery Type: Choose Use IP Range or Use CIDR.
    • Enter the following details to discover a network using an IP range:
      • IP type: Choose either IPv4 or IPv6.
      • Start IP: Enter the start IP.
      • End IP: Enter the end IP.
      • NetMask: Enter the NetMask. 
    • Enter the following details to discover a network using CIDR:
      • IP type: Choose either IPv4 or IPv6.
      • Start IP: Enter the start IP.
      • Mask Bit: Enter the Mask Bit.
  3. Filter Devices: Add filters to your discovery and click Next.
    • Discover Unknown: Toggle Yes to discover and monitor devices that do not respond to your SNMP credentials.
    • Discovery Action: Choose Add from the drop-down menu to include devices for discovery and choose Ignore to exclude them from discovery.
    • Type: Choose the type of filter from the drop-down menu. The type can be one of these—IP range, IP address, category, device type, or device name. 
    • Condition: Set the condition as equals or contains and enter corresponding values based on the type of filter you choose.
    • Click Add to add more filters.
  4. Follow step 7 given above to add interface filters
  5. Recheck your entries and click Discover.Network discovery
Network discovery usually takes around five minutes, but that figure depends on the size of the network. If the monitor isn't listed after completing these steps, follow these troubleshooting steps

Add a device

You can also add a network or a network device from the Network tab by clicking the Add icon icon near Network Devices.

Troubleshooting Tips

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Help Admin Adding a monitor Adding a Network Monitor